Wanting You

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I walk in the room toward you. You look up from the book you're reading on the couch and see the look of lust in my eyes as I get closer. You put the book down and smile. I lean in, our lips meet. Softly at first, but I become more insistent. Our lips part and tongues entwine. My hands wandering your body, tearing off what clothes I can.

I move to nibble on your ear, you moan. My hands find your ass, cupping it and pulling you into me, you can feel my cock pressed against you. I move to your neck, kissing and biting, you squeal as you dig your fingernails into my back. My mouth moves lower, to your tits, sucking on your nipples. I move my hand from your ass to your pussy, I can feel the heat from your desire. I push your panties aside and stick a finger in your cunt as I bite your nipple, you scream and dig your fingers harder into my back.

I move and lay you flat on the couch, my fingers never leaving your pussy. I position my cock by your lips and I grab your head. You lick your lips as I force my dick into your mouth. You suck on it wantonly as you cup my balls and grab my ass. I move your head on my cock in time with my fingers in your pussy. Both moving faster and deeper. I push your head all the way on my cock, the shaft down your throat. You begin to gag and dig your nails into my ass. I hold your head there briefly and then resume fucking your face. You moan around my cock as my fingers move faster.

Your moans feel so good on my dick, you hear me say "Be a naughty girl and cum and scream with my cock in your mouth."

You begin to moan louder, I fuck your face and pussy faster. You take an intake of breath and begin to grunt, you let out a scream as you cum.

I remove my cock and fingers, you're panting, out of breath, I say "Good girl" as I move between your legs.

I tease your clit with the head of my cock, you squeal and squirm still sensitive from cumming. I plunge my dick into your wet pussy and I begin to fuck you. You wrap your legs around me, put your hands on my chest. I fuck you harder as you dig your fingernails in. I grab your tits and start fucking faster, your moans driving me wild.

Your nails dig deeper and your legs pull me in tighter. You can feel my cock beginning to throb and I roar as I cum. Driving my cock in deep as I empty my load. My hot cum pushes you over the edge and you scream with me. I slow my strokes as we lay there panting together. Our cum beginning to leak out of your pussy.

You look at the satisfied grin on my face, I say, "You are wonderful baby girl".

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