First Date (Part 2)

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I smile as I follow you. I use my foot to kick the door closed behind me. I wrap you in my arms and pull you close to me "I can't think when I've had a better night"

Your back hits my chest and you place one hand over mine and the other on my cheek as you smile and sigh. Your hand feels so warm, I turn you around. I see your smile and I smile in return, my grin has a lopsided look.

I laugh out loud and then can't help myself. Then I move to press my lips to yours. You stand on your tip toes as you meet me halfway. Your other hand slowly travels to my hair as our lips meet.

Those lips have been tempting me all night and they feel better than I thought they would. I move one hand to the small of your back, the other I entwine into your beautiful hair. I pull you in closer to me as I deepen the kiss. Opening my mouth slightly sucking on your lower lip.

You push up on your toes further and deepen the kiss. A slight moan escapes your mouth. Your moan spurs me on and I nibble on your bottom lip. My hand running through your hair my other moving lower.

I open my mouth wider my tongue touching yours. My hand moves to your ass, squeezing as I pull you closer into me. Your hand moves up and down my chest and the other holds my head in place as our tongues battle for dominance. I pull your hips closer and you feel my arousal against you.

I break the kiss as I kiss your cheek, then your neck. I move both hands to your ass. I squeeze as I nibble on your neck. You let out a moan and tilt your head to give me more access. I continue sucking and nibbling at your neck. I move my hands up your back rubbing your through your dress. I know you can feel my arousal by now pressing into you. I nibble on your ear.

I whisper, "This feels so good. This feels right."

You push your chest towards me and hug me close, "I want to savor this movement."

I nibble your ear, "Then enjoy."

I continue my assault on your neck. My hands roving your back. I switch sides. I nibble on your other ear and whisper, "We wouldn't want one side to feel left out" I then nibble the other side of your neck, your skin tastes so sweet.

You start to giggle at my words but a moan then leaves your lips instead. I move back to your lips kissing you deeply. I bite on your bottom lip as I rest my forehead on yours. My arms wrapped around you my hands on your shoulders. Our bodies pressed together. I can feel your arousal as your nipples are poking me through the fabric of your dress.

I finally let go of your lip and smile at you, "I've wanted to kiss you like this for so long."

You smile through your swollen lips, "I need to sit or else you will have to carry me to the sofa if this continues."

I put a hand on your back and bend down and put my arm behind your knees. I then scoop you up. In surprise you put your arms around my neck.

As I carry you over to the sofa, I whisper in your ear, "We can't have you collapsing now."

You giggle and kiss my cheek as I place you on the couch and sit next to you, running my hand through your hair. We sit on the couch wrapped in each other as we catch our breath. You play with my fingers as my face is buried in your hair and I run my nose up your neck, then I nibble on your ear again.

You begin to hum softly. You take my hand that you are playing with and bring it up to your mouth and kiss each fingertip lightly. When you reach my index finger you bite it softly before kissing it too. Then you put your face in my palm giving it equal attention.

Holding on to my wrist you move it so my fingers are touching your skin. You move them around your lips, on your chin, down your neck, passed your collar bone, down the cleft of your chest. You bring my hand across your chest so it's just above my breast.

Your kisses on my fingers feel like electricity shooting through my hands. Your lips so soft on my fingertips. I feel your wonderful skin as you move my hand lower. I realize where you've moved my hand. I believe I know what you want.

I nibble at your neck as I push my hand beneath your dress. I cup your breast in my hand, my palm grazing over your erect nipple, and I gently squeeze. Kneading your breast slightly, I take your nipple between my thumb and forefinger rolling it gently, pulling it slightly.

You close your eyes and seeming to relish the feeling. You put your hand on my shoulder as your head lulls on my chest. You grab the fabric of my shirt and expose my neck. You lick my pulse point feeling it vibrate under your tongue then suck on the soft skin and pull away with a pop. You do that on my collar bone under my ear, you continue where ever you can find warm skin.

Your lips warm and soft on my neck feel like heaven. A soft moan escapes my lips. I move my hand to your other breast, giving it the same attention. But this time I lift it removing it from your dress, exposing it to the night air. My hand travels back to the breast still covered while I lean down. I flick your hard nipple with my tongue before taking it into mouth.

You arch your back as if to give me permission to go on. As I continue to take your nipple in my mouth you put a hand on the back of my head "mmm...harder" you moan as you straddle my lap and move on top of me.

As you move into my lap and your urging spurs me on. I take more of your tit in my mouth sucking on it harder. My hand squeezes and pulls at your other nipple. Now in my lap there is no way you can't feel my own excitement, my cock is rock hard pressing into your inner thigh. You squeal and dig your fingers into my chest.

Your fingers down my chest feels so good. I let out a small moan as I continue to suck your breast. I pull your other breast free of your dress. I move my head to take that one into my mouth, the first leaving my mouth with a pop. My hips shift as I take your breast into my mouth, pushing myself into you even harder.

I continue sucking and kneading your breasts. I take my free hand and move it lower, pushing beneath your dress. I drag my thumb across your panties applying slight pressure and press ever so slightly onto your pussy.

You gasp and shoot up on your knees, your hands fly to the back of the couch and you dig your finger nails in as both my touch and the pressure surprises you. Your movement pulls your breast from my mouth with another pop. My thumb continues its rubbing applying more pressure to your wet slit. I can feel your wetness through your panties. I let another soft moan as I continue.

You shut your eyes and gyrate your hips on my hand as a bunch of moans and gasps leave your mouth. You dig your nails deeper into the couch. I use my thumb and pull your panties to the side. I take my finger and rub it across your slick opening. I push in slightly and find your clit, I rub it gently. I slide my finger in between your wet lips.

You take my face in both hands and tilt it up. You give me a quick kiss and bite my bottom lip with your teeth. When you pull away you whisper breathlessly "not here...please."

You then give me an open mouth kiss shoving your tongue in my mouth. My tongue matches yours. I move my hands to your ass and lift you up. I stand and you wrap your legs and arms around me, our mouths never parting. I carry you to your bedroom and lay you on your bed. 

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