Baby Girl Wants It Rough

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I'm sitting up in bed reading when you walk into the room. You walk over to me and bend down, smiling as you kiss me softly, "Daddy, I want you to smack me."

I pull you toward me and bite your lip as I squeeze your ass hard, "My naughty little girl wants to play rough today? And where does she want Daddy to smack her? "

You look down shyly, biting your lip as you whisper, "Everywhere you see skin. I won't mind even if you hit my cheeks."

I feel my cock twitch in my boxers as you look so sexy and innocent as you ask to play rough. I smack your ass, "Well I think you should undress so Daddy can see all of the skin that will be red from my handprints. Do you remember your safe word?"

You nod your head as you stand up. You reach up to your shoulders and loosen the strips of your spaghetti dress and let it fall to your feet. You look at me wearing only your bra and panties, I can see your nipples beginning to harden beneath the fabric.

I stand up quickly and move toward you and slaps your cheek, "Daddy said all of it!" Slaps your other cheek, "Now get naked!"

You reach up and feel the heat from my slap on your cheek, you smile and unclasp your bra and let it fall to the floor. Then you turn and bend down showing me your ass as you slip off your panties.

"Much better Baby Girl," I reach out and caresses your ass.

"Seems my naughty little girl needs a reminder of who she belongs too, "I smack your ass hard five quick times. "

You gasp and yelp loudly at the slaps as your skin turns red and stings sending shivers up your spine as you try to take a step back to move away from me. I grab your waist and spins you around. I put my hand around your neck squeezing lightly. "No little one you don't run from Daddy!"

I smack one of your tits with my free hand, "You're Daddy's little toy to do with as he pleases." I move and smack the other tit, both turning red with my handprint.

You gasp and in a low voice you plead with me, "Da-Ddaddy, please."

You clench both of my thighs together, trying to hide your pussy from view. Your breaths are heavy as you feel your nipples harden more. You struggle slightly trying to pull away from me again.

I squeeze your neck a little tighter as I smack one of your hard nipples, "Such a willful little slut. Trying to get away from Daddy. Trying to keep Daddy from her little pussy." I smack your other nipple harder than the first, "Daddy knows your tight little cunt is dripping for Daddy. Daddy knows his needy little slut wants to get fucked!" I squeeze your neck harder as I slap your face.

You groan as you gasp for air from your tightened airway, subconsciously you tilt your head back slightly exposing more of your neck to me. You shake your head as you feel your cheek stinging from my slap and mumble low with a broken voice, "y-yes Daddy."

I lessen my grip slightly as I smack your thighs, "Now open your little slut legs for Daddy!"

You obey quickly and widens your clenched thighs; I see you look down shily. Then as I look over your body I see the reason, I can see the wetness that has begun seeping in between your legs, "That's my good girl."

I run a finger along your wet slit, "Your body betrays you little slut."

I smack your pussy, "Your little cunt is drooling for Daddy's cock."

I smack your pussy again, "Your little whore pussy can wait to be fucked by Daddy." I smack your pussy again.

You scream out a mixture of pain and pleasure, "Fuck Daddy!" You arch your back and bite your lip as I feel more wetness seeping from your hot pussy. You look into my eyes, and I can see the desperation and need for me reflected in yours.

I throw you on the bed and remove my pants, as I climb on top of you my cock rubbing against your slick entrance, "Is this what Daddy's little whore needed."

I raise both my hands and bring them down fast, smacking both your nipples, "Tell Daddy what you are!"

I slap your face again as one hand goes back around your throat, "Tell daddy what you need!"

You moan and shudder underneath me, barely able to speak and breath. Your nipples have turned bright red, just like your cheeks. My handprint can be clearly seen on both, "I need Daddy's cock! I need Daddy so bad!"

I slap your face again, "Such a needy fucking whore for Daddy!"

I push the head of my cock against your sopping wet pussy as I slap you again, "Tell daddy what you are, and he'll give you what you need!"

I slap you again.

You moan as you feel my cock at your slick entrance, and you start grinding against me desperately trying to get me inside you. Unable to wait anymore you cry out hoarsely, "I am Daddy's slut!"

I grab your throat with both hands as I plunge my hard, thick cock deep inside you. Fucking your wet tight pussy with wild abandon, "That's my good girl. Daddy's good little slut."

I fuck you harder as I squeeze your throat. You smile with satisfaction as you feel me inside you. Your face turning red as you struggle to breath, you let out a little cough and moan loudly as you clench your pussy around my throbbing cock. You feel your pussy wet and throbbing from my strong strokes inside you.

I release one hand from your throat and slaps your tit, "Is my little whore going to cum on Daddy!?"

I start fucking you harder and slaps your face, "Is my naughty little slut going to cum all over Daddy's cock!?"

You nod your head breathing hard. You begin to grind your hips harder against me, forcing me to get deeper inside you, making me go balls deep inside you. A satisfied smile crosses your face as you feel full with my cock buried deep inside you.

I slap you again, "Cum for Daddy!"

I slap you harder, "Make your little whore cunt milk Daddy's cum from his cock!"

You nod your head feeling your body arch with pleasure. You feel your pussy begin to squirt and you moan loudly, your tight walls begin to contract around me pulling and milking my cock. I roar as I cum inside your throbbing pussy as it squeezes my cock. I let go of your throat as I slow my strokes inside you, cum still pumping out of me. I reach down and caress your cheek as I look at you lovingly, "That's my good girl."

You wrap your body around me and moan softly, you whisper against my lips as you press your lips to mine, "Don't pull out please."

"Of course, love," I kiss your lips as my cock throbs inside you cum still leaking from it as it slowly begins to become softer inside you.

You smile softly as you wrap my legs around your waist, "Daddy."

I caress your cheek, "My beautiful Baby Girl."

You kiss my lips again as we both relax and drift to sleep.

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