After Zachare told the news to his crew members...
FM54321: Holy crap, Captain! That poor scientist! He lost his master!
Starman3: I know, but to a pig who used to be on children's television?! That's crazy!
NF997: We do not know if we can stop this pig before it kills more people or not!
Zachare: I mean... I know someone who can stop it...
MarioMario: Wait, you do?
Zachare: Yeah, but she's retired.
FM54321: You have to talk to her so she can stop that pig before it kills everyone else!
Zachare: I mean... I guess I can talk to her, but... I don't think it's gonna work...
Then Zachare heads out of the Wii-Force's secret lair using the pipes.
Wii-Force: In The First Beginning
HorrorThe Wii-Force comes face to face with a teenage criminal pig who used to be an innocent girl on children's television in their first adventure.