Home Sweet Prison

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Marcie finished the call, putting her phone away. She felt nothing but absolute pity and sadness, knowing what decision she had to make. There was no going back now, he was waiting for her in the car.

As she made her way to the door, she could hear footsteps behind her. Turning, the girl found Darwin standing inches away from her, his face heartbreaking. Once she moved slightly, he followed her motions, coming closer. "..Stay put, please.."

"No!" The goldfish crossed his arms, looking upset by the order. Even though he was still getting over what had just occurred, he couldn't let this happen. "I go where he goes!"

"Darwin, it'll be fine.." Marcie bent down to his eye-level, trying to reassure him. He didn't look convinced. "..He'll be fine.. They'll.. Just keep him safe, and help him control all this melting stuff.."

He doesn't give another word, turning away from her angrily.

She felt her heart hurt worse at the sight of that, as she took her leave. Entering the car, the absolute tense atmosphere of the vehicle strikes her hard. Gumball was sitting in the back, paws fidgeting in his lap as his sight was focused on the floor, not daring to speak or even bat an eye at the girl. 

It made for a very dreadful car ride, both having very scrambled thoughts at the moment.

Soon enough, a building came into view, with neutral modern design and a very noticeable lack of windows. It took no guessing where they arrived at. The sight of it felt like a nightmare in of itself, reminding the two of the events that brought them here.

Marcie stepped out, motioning for the cat to follow. Once he began doing so, she took him by the hand, and led him inside. People all around them gave various looks. Some were shocked, while others were unphased by such an unusual sight.

All the attention was practically suffocating Gumball, as he felt all these eyes resting on him. He didn't want this at all. A part of him almost seemed glad that Darwin wasn't here, knowing his poor brother would've likely received the same reactions.

They entered what looked to be some sort of waiting room, currently empty at the moment besides one other woman with them. She wore a black suit, and had her hair tied up into a bun, as she hardly gave much emotion to their appearance.

"Is this the creature?" The lady asked, walking up to them. Marcie gave a slow nod in response. "Alright. I'll be right back."

As Marcie watched her leave, she let out a shaky sigh, wiping tears from her face. Frowning, she turned towards Gumball, finally looking him in the eyes. "..Anything you want to say before they come back?..."

The cat desperately blinked back his own tears, though it was no use as they began to fall heavily. He soon sobbed, grabbing her by the shirt as he tried to keep her from pulling away. "Please don't let them take me away.. I-I promise I'll be good! I can control it I swear!"

"Gumball.." Marcie gently took his paws off, though that seemed to just make him cry harder. "I'm sorry.. This is for your own good.. I know it's hard to understand.. But you're just a kid, you can't control it on your own.. We.. We pretty much saw that today.."

"N-No I can! P-Please.." He looked at her with utter sorrow, voice shaky. At this point he was starting to melt, tears mixing into the puddles of goop on the floor. "D-Don't leave me here.. I-I don't wanna be alone again I-I don't wanna lose anything.."

Before she could react, the feline hugged her tightly, crying into her shirt. "I-I never wanted this.. I-I never wanted to deal with this stupid V-Void stuff.. I-I just wanna go home back to E-Elmore with D-Darwin and see everybody again..."

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