Things are about to get interesting..

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AN: Like usual, heads up this is an updated version of chapter 8. Some scenes from the Fanfiction.Net version are either cut, or added on more. Just a slight warning. Ok on with the chapter.

-A few days later-

It was 4:05 PM, as Marcie and Gumball watched whatever was on the small TV hanging off the wall, both bored of it. They groaned in annoyance, as the characters onscreen kissed out of nowhere.

"I hate when they do that kissing thing. It's like they're running out of ideas to make this show interesting." Marcie said, Gumball nodding in agreement.

The hospital door soon opened, catching their attention quickly. 


Hearing the sound of who it was, Gumball tried to hide, but Marcie quickly stopped him, grabbing hold of his arm. "Hold on a minute, just keep calm alright?" 

He reluctantly nodded, one hand gripping onto the bedside tightly in slight fear.

Julie appeared in the doorway, looking concerned, however a slight look of happiness was seen. "Hello Marcie, are you doing alright?.."

"Yeah, I'm doing fine." She replied. However, she grew confused seeing no sign of her father. If anything, it seemed strange. "Where's dad?"

"He's off at work. Unfortunately, he's not in a good mood right now due to.. Reasons.." The old woman soon noticed Gumball, to which the feline quickly hid in response. "Oh thank goodness you're okay! We were so worried where you went, we looked everywhere around the neighborhood!"

"..You aren't scared?..." Gumball came out from under the bed, an eyebrow raised with confusion. This couldn't be right. Weren't they horrified by the sight? 

"Scared? No no, not at all, I promise.. You're only a kid, it's not your fault any of that happened."

"So Mr. Williams isn't mad either?"

"Of course not, no worries." Julie was quick to hug him tightly, to which Gumball returned the gesture with slight tears. He didn't notice the strained smile she had when she had spoken.


It was now a while later, as Marcie was finally released from the hospital. She walked back to her house with a light pace, Gumball following begrudgingly.

"Couldn't we just use a car? My feet are tired.."

"Sorry, but my car's still at home. Also, why not? It's good exercise for me, I haven't left that bed in weeks." She replied. "By the way, any news on my brother?"

"Um.. Not really." Gumball shrugged, while he kicked a small stone in his path. "All I know is that he's in jail."

"Fair enough, I doubt my parents would tell a child stuff like that.."

"Aw come on I'm not that young!"

"Yeah, but you're 12."

"Still not young!"

After a few minutes, they arrived at the familiar yellow house, however paused. Marcie's father stood in the driveway, looking relieved that they came, yet.. Almost upset. His car could be seen parked on the side of the street.

"Um.. Is he okay?..." Gumball questioned, slightly stepping back with concern. He didn't trust this one bit.

"Oh hi dad, I'm back and all better now." Marcie smiled, though her father did not. She frowned, confused by his behavior. "..Dad?"

"What on Earth were you thinking?" He crossed his arms, a rather upset expression shown on his face. "We were worried SICK and looking everywhere for him, yet you decide not to even tell us you had him right there with you!"

Marcie soon realized what he was talking about, regret slowing seeping in. "I would've called but I didn't know if you were worried or not, I didn't get all the details and-"

"So what, he didn't tell you anything?!"

"What? No! He told me the bottom-line of what had happened-"

"Yet you didn't question anything else?" Oliver began to get more frustrated and angry. "Marcie do I need to stress to you that you shouldn't hide things like this?! We were terrified that something bad could have happened! What if somebody tried to swoop in and grab him and we wouldn't know?!"

"I get that you're worried, I'm sorry.. Look, Gumball was scared of seeing you, okay? From what I was told it was a scary experience and-" Marcie grew annoyed as she was cut off.

"That doesn't mean shit! You can't just brush this under the rug expecting us not to panic! I don't know if you got the memo yet but that kid isn't human! He's not gonna be like any other kid! People are genuinely trying to go after him don't you see?!"

Gumball quietly hid behind Marcie, tears seen in his eyes. The words practically slammed into his head. It was a point, at the end of the day it wasn't like he was ever going to live normally here. Nobody would consider him even remotely human. He would always be just that snarky funny cartoon cat to them. He could feel parts of his paws dripping onto the ground now, only fueling his mood. 

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