Welcome to the real world!

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He had lost everything.

Gumball fell through the void, as he tried to grab the universal remote, the object to cause this disaster. It was only a normal day for him and his family, who were planning on going to the mall. But his nemesis had to ruin it. It wasn't really a surprise to be honest.

He knew Rob despised him, so it was sort of normal for something to happen involving him. The only thing that was setting this event apart from the others however? He lost.

As he spiraled down the static like abyss, Gumball desperately kept trying to get the remote. "Come on..." A piece of debris crashed onto him, stunning him for a moment. Getting back on track, he began to panic, as he saw the remote falling further down, until he could no longer see it. 

He fell onto another rock, as he looked down at the abyss in shock and horror. It was gone. Now there was no way of getting out. 

Frustrated, Gumball threw the nearest object at a building, which was useless. He sighed, and quietly watched things spiral down, never to be seen again. What now?..  

Gumball squinted his eyes, as he noticed something below. Wait.. Is that.. He began to cry with joy, as he realized it was a way out. Now full of hope, he jumped off, and descended down, trying to aim directly at the hole. Now I can fix things once and for all.. 

The hole began to get closer and closer, while he had determination on his face. Well, until he realized the hole looked to be spawned above ground. Gumball screamed, as he fell through the hole, with a strange energy wave phasing through him like a truck. 

Face planting onto the ground, he lifted his head up, expecting to see Elmore again. But what he got, wasn't what he expected. Like, at all. 

There were people sure, but they looked all the same. Some of those mentioned people were looking at him with confusion and shock. Gumball didn't know where the heck he was, but he wanted to get out of there fast. But, he was pretty confused about how to get out of here. Feeling something, he glanced down, a look of confusion and panic appearing on his face. Gumball appeared to be melting, his blue fur and pretty much his clothes dripping off him like paint. He honestly wanted to scream, but then again he didn't really want to let himself get noticed by more of these weird people. Gumball was now on his knees, nearly shaking in fear, as he looked down at his dripping paws. What's happening to me?!! Why am I melting?!!


Ugh.. That guy should've freaking summarized his speech!

23 year old Marcie Williams was driving her car down the street, annoyed by how her day was so far. She had to attend a meeting at her job, which unfortunately was an hour and a half long. 

Gripping her wheel (a usual habit of hers), she looked at her watch, which read 6:30. She sighed, knowing her brother would be coming to her house in an hour, much to her dismay. It's not that she hates him or anything, but.. She has reasons to dislike him.

Marcie looked back forward. However, she saw something in the road upahead. "What is that?.." She slowed down, trying to see what it was. There were a few possiblities that came to mind, like it just being a ball one of the younger neighborhood children left. Upon further inspection, it looked too big to be a ball. 

As she drove closer, Marcie began to get a better view of what it was, but still couldn't see it. Curious, she finally stopped the car. Maybe I should go check it out.. Marcie stepped out, and went to the front of the vehicle, not exactly prepared for what she was about to see. Wait what the?..

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