Chill day🪭

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Jacks pov:
Today I was thinking of going to bother my sister and be annoying by going to her house and calming pouncing my body on her but she's pregnant I keep forgetting so i decided to go but I texted her first
"I'm coming over"
"No your not"
"Cause I'm tired and I got my first kick"
"That's so sick bro now I'm definitely coming over"
"Bermon no your not"
"Your my little sister it's my right to bother you"
"No its not but fine u can come over"
"Okay byee"
"Bye Webster"

I finally got there and unlocked the door and ran to her room and gently slapped the bed then jumped on her bed
"Jack relax"
"How's little rager?"
"She's fine after you pounced on the bed it kinda threw her off cause she was falling asleep"
"She sleeps in your stomach?!"
"Oh yeah true and Amani had the baby"
"Duh I know that too I just don't know her name"
"We named her storm but with a y"
"That's crazy"
"Me and Kylie are naming our baby storm but with a i"
"That's wild two storms!"

Once Anais said real Kylie came in after work and said hi
"Hey Jack what are you doing here"
She says hoppin on the bed rubbing Anais's stomach
"Just came to chill with my sister"
"Nice nice how's Amani and her baby?"
"Good I heard u guys are naming your baby stormi"
"Yeah what did u name your baby?"
"Stormy with a y"
"Has to be a lie"
"Straight up"
"Crazy we were gonna name her that with a y but we chose i it sounds more pronounced"
"Yeah sounds nice"
"You could've brung her"
"I mean mani isn't really ready for her to be introduced to the world yet"
"Oh yeah that sounds more protective"
"True and some people find this weird but others on the internet stalk and try and search down babies and shit it's weird"
"Yeah it's wild niggas like to do that"
"Mhm but ima go shower I'll be back"
"Are you jealous?"
"No I'm not y'all just have a very odd bond"
"You act like I'm in love with her she's literally a lesbian"
"Bisexual she might like you"
"Well I don't like her I have a whole girlfriend"
"True u should tie the knot one day"
"I'm not doing that"
"Why your 26 you might have to soon"
"So and your 19 about to have a baby"
"Next year"
"She's due next year February 1st"
"Oh I thought u meant it differently"
"Well I'm bout to bounce"
"Alright Jack see u soon I'm finna go with Kylie somewhere"
"Alright have fun PEACE KYLIE"
"Bye Travis"

Anais's pov
I got dressed so we can leave and go to In-N-Out
"You ready?"
"I gotta fit my pants on"

Anais's povI got dressed so we can leave and go to In-N-Out"You ready?""I gotta fit my pants on""Okay"

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*in the car*"what are you gonna order""Probably just fries this time""Fries!""Yeah like today she's barely hungry like usual""Is that normal?""Kinda I mean I might have to read the paper again but what are you ordering?""Oh I might order a water c...

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*in the car*
"what are you gonna order"
"Probably just fries this time"
"Yeah like today she's barely hungry like usual"
"Is that normal?"
"Kinda I mean I might have to read the paper again but what are you ordering?"
"Oh I might order a water cause. No I actually wanna go to Starbucks instead and.No I wanna go to Dunkin'Donuts instead!"
"Babe chose one cause u automatically confused me"
"Are u sure cause we're like not far from a Starbucks"
"Okay I'll grab a water while I'm at it but who's paying"
"I'm not tryna pay but since your pregnant I'll pay for you guys are you sure you wanna grab fries and a water that's plain for a pregnant women"
"Yeah we're not hungry really"
"I mean I'm not trying to force u do you want cheese fries instead of plain fries"
"I'm not really hungry ky"
"Okay then you don't have to have it I'm just making sure before I pay"
They order then go other places then arrive home
"I hate heated food babe it makes me nauseous"
"Well I don't like it ether im just eating it because it's there and the food is cold"
"Not my fault we went to Starbucks 8 times because your drink wasn't how u placed it"
"Okay so what it wasn't how I wanted it that's why"
"Okay Kylie"
"Okay Anais"

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