How well do you know each other?

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3rd person POV
Today Anais and Kylie went to the GQ interview to see how well they known each other
"hi GQ today we are gonna be playing"Anais said pointing to Kylie to finish the sentence
"The GQ couple quiz"
"Alright so first question first question what do I wear the most?"
"Nike pro's? I don't know"
"Baby you should know this well what are my go to mom outfits"
"Uh Grey sweats with a blackout shirt"
"Yes point for you"
"Alright my question what is my sexuality?"
"As in what you have down there?"
"A penis your intersex"
"Thought you wouldn't get that"
"I've seen it before"Anais says winking at the camera
"Uh duh"
"Next question?"
"Oh yeah uh what are my cats names"
"Uh first one Violin"
"VIOLIN?!"anais says softly
"No I mean violet or violeeh I don't know"
"Violeeh baby you didn't know that"
"No cause I never met your cats"
"Alright well you have 2 more"
"Second one girl or boy?"
"Baby it's a boy"
"Okay so Jacky?"
"Why would I name my cat after my brother?"
"Never mind so it's something with J right?"
"Ja is all I can tell you"
"Ja Morant?"
"No baby you don't get this"
"I do"
"So you should know them their my cats stormi plays with this cat so much"
"Baby she's 1"
"Well she plays with the cat so much you should know this"
"So Jacari?"
"Last one okay so girl right I know"
"Yes baby it's a girl"
"Alright let's goo next question"
"So what are our zodiac signs?"
"Baby I know mine and I know yours"
"So tell me"
"Your a Leo I'm a Taurus and Stormi is an Aquarius"
"Yes mama"they high five
"Heh okay."they say awkwardly giggling
"Alright next question what is my parents names?"
"Your mom's name is Tyla? Your dad's name is Geko? Right?"
"My moms name is not tyla it's something brilliant"
"Tyla is brilliant.. what are you talking about?"
"Never mind it starts with a J"
"Yes baby my dad's name is not geko it's with a G though"
"Y'all's names be so fucking brilliant I can't even understand them"
"Baby I'm named off a gumball character"
"How is it pronounced"
"An Ny is"
"So I've been saying it wrong"
"Do u not watch gumball?"
"I do"
"So you're saying you don't hear how Darwin says Anais?"
"ohh! Now I get it!"
"Exactly now next question we'll get to my dads name in the car"
"Alright next question is how did we meet"
"Through our mutual friends on instagram"
"okay so which friend was it"
"Yes and no because Stassie met you before me so yeah"
"Alright so it was Jordyn?"
"Yes baby"
"Okay next question what were we gonna name stormi before my brother named her"
"I was gonna name her Ciana you were gonna name her Heaven"
"Yeah but it was a stormy day and we decided we let my brother name her and he named her Stormi Emani Webster"
"Yup next! What is my favorite ice cream flavor?"
"Uh Chocolate?"
"Babe I eat ice cream half of the year so what flavor do I normally get"
"Vanilla I'm joking with you I knew that"
"Okay then I knew you knew"
"Okay the score!"Anais points to it while sitting in Kylie's lap
"Thank you GQ for having us for this couple quiz have a great day byee"Kylie says bye and Anais

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