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The Ellen Show

" hello everyone welcome back to the Ellen show today I have Kylie, Jenner and Amani Perish but I have a few questions for you guys alright?"
" I mean sure why not"
" OK first question what did stormi think when she found out she had two moms"
" baby you wanna answer that"
" oh, sure, she didn't have a reaction to anything because she didn't really care about having two moms because people in public have two moms and they're not ashamed about it"
" I mean she shouldn't be ashamed about having two moms. I'm not saying she has to be ashamed about having two moms because one is interse-"
" I hate when people like bring out my gender that's not really confirmed yet so like on Instagram and everything my gender is like not public, because I don't want people knowing my " actual gender" because that makes me feel uncomfortable especially when it's on the Internet and when I'm in an interview with someone and that person doesn't know if my gender is really confirmed"
" yeah we're not sure if we want to talk about that because she's not comfortable about talking about her physical actions and how she feels because if she doesn't want to talk about her gender she doesn't have to. I'm just taking up for my girlfriend it's just that we call each other she and she because, we want to like stormy's first word was Dada like she does not have a dad"
" so what does she call her uncles?"
" honestly, what do you think she calls her uncles like she has the right to call them by their name she doesn't have to call them Uncle she can call them something else or whatever she feels is right she can call them that"
" how did you guys become famous?"
" I am a make up artist and I am a model that's how I became famous Kylie I don't know how she became famous. I'm pretty sure she just she was just born that way because I have no idea."
" to be honest I was always told I was one that way, so I was just going with it"
" nice and Amani that braid is like long as hell like how do you sit with that?"
" I mean hey I try like if I can't sit with it then I'll just freaking cut it off. It's fake anyway."
" does stormi play with that thing or something like it is just very much long like she could play jump rope with it literally"
" yeah stormi does that but I was like girl stop touching my braid"i say snatching it from Ellen's hand
" well, those are all the questions I have for you guys I will see you next time bye"
Me and Kylie get up an take each other's hand and then walk out to paparazzi spraying their cameras everywhere one question triggered me and Kylie
"Amani your pregnant right?"
"Shut the hell up"Kylie said speed walking
We got in the car and had a little make out session before Kylie drove off
"Why do they ask pregnancy questions"I asked Kylie
" Because they don't know us like that they go on Instagram and whatever they have and then try and stock us down and say oh Amani is pregnant with Kylie Jenner's baby like calm down they know that you're not pregnant they're just trying to be weird"
" oh, that's what you said shut up"
"Yes baby exactly why I said that"
"okay do you want another baby?"
"No not yet stormi is still growing it's probably still late to have another baby"
"Yeah I was gonna say that too but okay"
"I'm very tired baby"
"Me too Ellen was a whole pile or shit she is just metaling like I didn't want her touching you I was gonna say something but you said something then snatched the braid out her hand"
"Yeah I don't want her touching me"
"Real shit me nether we have another interview tomorrow too ugh so many damn interviews"
" I mean, but this time this with Jimmy Fallon, he's not that touchy he's not gonna touch you without asking he's going to ask before touching you baby"
"I know Amani we're home though"
"Okay I wanna surprise stormi"
"Stormi look who's here Mommy's here!"Stormi's nanny said
"Mommy"Stormi started standing up and tiptoeing to me
"What about mama Storm"
"Yes mama I wan go mama"
"Okay baby take her"
"You wanna go on the couch outside stormi it's very hot outside"
"Ye nets go out"
"Okay baby"

"" does stormi play with that thing or something like it is just very much long like she could play jump rope with it literally"" yeah stormi does that but I was like girl stop touching my braid"i say snatching it from Ellen's hand" well, those ar...

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