Part Twenty One

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The noise was steadily increasing and grinding on the insides of Mr Yan's mind as he reached out to remove the blanket, he was eager to stop the crying but still afraid of the tiny bundle producing it, and put the gun down to use both hands to unwrap the small body.

He stared in horror at the little form which had been hidden inside the pristine white blanket. Time froze as his eyes locked on the small image of Black Robe lying on the table in front of him, screaming like a baby for attention. The mask hid his tiny face inside the deep hood, with natural baby movements from his arms and legs, while the recording continued until Yan's mind snapped and he raised the gun and fired six shots into the demon lying on the table. The lights went out, plunging the car park into complete and utter darkness with an unbelievable silence.

Mr Yan never moved, he still held the gun but it was now empty and of no use, and there was nothing in the silence. He felt as though something was creeping in on him, coming closer but there was nothing, and he looked around again, peering into the blackness but still there was nothing, yet he could not move, he was frozen to the spot. If he didn't move it couldn't find him, but there was nothing.

From the darkness a voice spoke to him and the guards began the invisible clock, at the number 12, "You killed my son," and he turned to face it, but no one was there. From behind at 6, a voice whispered, "Killer," and he turned again, no one there. The voice from 3 shouted, "Murderer," and Yan laughed. His twisted mind had realised that it was all a game and he had guessed where the next voice was coming from and he faced 9 just before the voice spoke but he wasn't prepared for the spotlight over the shape of Black Robe and his first true stab of fear hit his heart. Then he was too afraid to look away until the light went out and position 4 called, "Over here," and he laughed again, "smoke and mirrors, it's just a game," but this lighted image moved one step towards him and his laugh stopped as he stared. Number 5 lit up and called "Here," and he slowly turned looking at the image behind him but it did not move and it stayed lit the same as the other.

Two Black Robes, one in front and one behind, and he could not control his anxiety levels as it steadily increased, this was not a game anymore. So when number 11 stayed lit and called, he grabbed the table for support, forgetting about the dead doll image and glancing down, he started having breathing problems. From then on, some of the numbers lit up and some didn't, but there were always the voices. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't move and his eyes kept going back to the doll, until everything stopped, and he was plunged back into the dark without any sound.

He could feel the table below his hands but not see it, and he kept staring where the doll should be and slowly became aware of movement on the table, he felt the vibration, and something touched his fingers causing him to quickly step back letting go of his only contact in the dark. When he stepped forward again searching for the table, it was gone leaving him disorientated. And the voices began again with no reference point, and no lights but a mild touch to the side of his face or below his ear, under his chin, or grip his hand. Somewhere in his mind he remembered the device and the remote control was in his pocket. He pressed the button looking for the round illuminated disc.

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