Chapter 20. Shinso comes over.

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You and shinso walked back to your home and chatted/laughed with eachother the whole way there

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You and shinso walked back to your home and chatted/laughed with eachother the whole way there.

Once you finally got there, managing to avoid the people who tried to approach you both on the street for being in UA and the people who'd ask you to say hi to midnight for them, you typed the code into the protective gate around your house.

You walked through and looked back to shinso to motion him to walk with you, but he looked a little struck,

"I knew you'd be rich because of midnight, but I didn't think your home was this big.." he says

"It's better on the inside" you smiled and raised your eyebrows at him, leading him in.

By now you were both sat in the living room, watching Donnie Darko (such a good movie guys, I reccomend it sm), one of both of your favourite movies and sinking into the sofa, waiting for the pizza you ordered for the both of you to arrive.

"Hey Shin?" You asked

"Mh" He hummed, looking up at you

"You kinda remind me of Donnie" you smirked

"Oh yeah?" He asked, not realising he had just activated his quirk,

"Yeah." You replied, however your eyes had now dulled and you became an emotionless victim to his quirk, which sparked panic in him.

"Oh shit, no no no no no no no" he mumbled repeatedly before waking you up

"Y/n I didn't mean to-" he stressed, worried you'd be mad.

You blinked a few times and adjusted back to your surroundings

"Hey I'm good, I'm good, Kay?" You took a second and reassured him, "I know your quirks not easy to handle, I don't blame you or anything like that." You said, placing your hand on his.

Then, the doorbell rang.

"Pizzas here" you grinned to him, breaking the tension.

After eating and finishing the movie, he told you he had to get home, gosh you really hoped things weren't awkward now.

"Hey you need a ride home?" You asked

"Uh, I think I'm okay, I could walk."

"Nah shinso I swear it's no problem, it's getting late, I don't want anything happening to you."

"You sure?" He said, trying not to activate his quirk, and you nodded back to him, making him smile a little.

"shinso, I meant what I said, I don't blame you." You stated to him,

"I don't know how you can forgive me so quickly." He looked down.

"Because I trust you. And I want you to trust me, that is how friendship works y'know?" You quietly laughed, making him join along as you waited outside on the porch waiting for your personal driver who you'd texted to come and take shinso home.

"We'll, since we're, friends or whatever, call me Hitoshi" he said, looking you in your eyes.

"M'kay, Hitoshi," you lightly grinned, looking up at him.

As you waited together watching the sun set, a little gray cat had tan over to you and shinso, and you watched him react to it, and he was smiling, petting it as it crawled onto his lap purring.

By the time you had showered and gotten into pyjamas, deciding to stay on the sofa and continue watching movies, it was dark. It was getting pretty late and you were tired, but your aunt had finally walked into the house.

"Hey spider girl!" She beamed at you and you jumped off the sofa and hugged her like a little child, at this point she basically was who you counted for as your mother, and you missed her after not seeing her after a while.

"Whatchu watchingggg? Ooh PRETTY WOMAN? PAUSE THAT LET ME GET CHANGED AND ILL HE RIGHT DOWN!" She exclaimed, going to change into comfy clothes and watch her favourite movie with you.

(Sorry guys I'm this is short hopefully I can do some better chapters tmrrrr)

(Sorry guys I'm this is short hopefully I can do some better chapters tmrrrr)

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