Into a New World.

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I watched in awe as we flew higher and higher into the blue-green sky, and we weaved past clouds until we shot out of the atmosphere. I scanned the obsidian fold we had now been swept into, and it was beautiful. The darkness was pierced by the smallest bit of light in the stars that blurred by. Asteroids floated without a care in the world in the endless void.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" My brother chuckles

I nodded in agreement, and while it may have seemed dark and void to others, all I could do was notice every little detail of space. I noticed the different hues and auras surrounding planets; I noticed the different shapes and sizes of planets; and I even noticed the smallest of moons orbiting them. It was as if this dark expanse of space was bursting with life, teeming with undiscovered wonders waiting to be explored.

I stretched out in my seat, preparing for a long ride. I took the time to really admire the ship. It was filled with all of the latest technology, and all the lights and knobs glowed in a way that made my head spin and see colors.

"It's really nice in here," I muse

My brother grins at me before facing the wheel once more. Watching him drive was almost like watching a small child become infatuated with a new toy.

"I bought it for 45,000 ingrots; it was a steal."

I snorted I totally forgot he got a salary; of course, my brother would buy a ship and cruise around space. I wasn't exactly surprised. Though he had been a studious person, he still had his distinct quirks that set us apart. I gazed at my brother; he was wearing a tattered shirt, and his brown, wavy hair had been neatly trimmed. His brown-black eyes were focused strictly in front of us as he headed to a flashing purple-pink light.

"Wait a minute, why are we driving into the potentially deadly swirling light?" I questioned him, grabbing his armrest.

He smiles, swats at me as if a fly had flown too close to his ears, and continues towards the light. I watched as we were sucked in like a strand of spaghetti. I realized it was a warp hole, a rip in space-time that allowed us to travel at the speed of light. It was surprising that there wasn't a line of spaceships waiting to enter. While it was one of the quickest ways to travel in the galaxy, it was expensive and not easily accessible. We lurch forward, and as we exit the hole, I blink rapidly to get my eyes to adapt to total darkness again.

"Almost there; don't worry, I found your letter and everything you've prepared." He assures

I nodded, staring off into literal space. Astraia was still nowhere in sight, which gave me so much time to think. Now that I was going to Instar, I would have a roommate, and we would have to share a room and see each other every day. I wasn't going to lie and say I wasn't excited; I was ecstatic that there was someone I could become friends with. Life on Generis was weird for me before we moved. I had a decent amount of friends, but all that changed when my family moved. Everyone thought I was a weirdo when I was sent to school over there; I was bullied quite a bit. Though I fought back eventually, a kid had called me an adopted loser, and I got so mad that I set his clothes on fire. I wasn't even sure how exactly it happened because I can't cast spells, no matter how much I wish I could. I was a nomad, short for a non-magic-wielding being. That didn't stop me from learning everything I could about magic. I had studied solar magic, rain magic, nature magic, and so many more. I loved magic, though I wasn't able to wield it; it felt like it was deeply rooted in me.

Magic was separated into good and evil; there was no in-between; you were either a creature of positive energy or one of darkness. People had tried to force the terms Fairy and Fae and Witches and Warlocks, but the younger generation never really went along with labels. While we both needed to keep balance in the universe, we both pretty much wanted to wipe the other off the earth. It's obvious our groups did not get along in the slightest, with the witches and warlocks being the perpetrators of several fairy and fae genocides.

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