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Luca, Ryan, and I made our way over to Ariella and her group with Sapphire. They had already assembled the other members of our group and I couldn't help but groan. Snowbelle and Javier weren't my favorite people at the moment; in fact, I couldn't stand Javier; he was an idiot. So when I saw him practically making goo-goo eyes at Sapphire, I almost wanted to laugh. How fitting.

Javier and I had been at each other's throats since we were children; we were constantly trying to one-up each other. Always fighting for Prince of the Year, the Most Decorated Junior Soldier, etc. While I didn't really care too much for titles, my uncle did and said it gave my country a sense of pride, and in tough times like this, I was damn well going to do everything for them to have some sort of pride. Another reason why I wanted to gut this man like a fish was because Javier was notorious for being a grade-A flirt. I mean, nothing was wrong with flirting with a girl here and there; hell, I did it all the time. Yet it was one thing to flirt until these people believed you guys were getting somewhere and then kissing another girl in front of them. Even I knew that was all sorts of messed up. Snowbelle was a bit more difficult; she was my ex. Snowbelle and I had been going strong for two years but we broke up last summer around the time Luca and Ariella fell out because I had a feeling she had something to do with it. Luca didn't want to talk about the exact details of what went down, but Ryan and I knew our best friend screwed up, and big time at that.

"Javier," I greet.

He nods cordially, not wanting Sapphire to witness the uglyness behind his little mask.


I turn my attention to Sapphire; she doesn't look happy to see me in the slightest. I can't help but grin. Seeing her frustrated, I was looking at a cub trying to roar; the attempt to be fierce was just too funny. Her hips were planted on her hips and a scowl was painted on her face.

"What's the matter, love?" I ask

Her eyes narrow as she turns to me. " Stop that!" she exclaims

I shrug at her I don't know what she wants from me; someone needs to learn how to articulate her feelings a bit better.

Luca waltzes over to Ariella to try and smooth things over for the umpteenth time, but it seems like it's going through one ear and out the other. Ryan chuckles next to me." Whipped "

We made our way to the post, and I was chosen as head strategist. I had to assign everyone roles and make sure that everyone was well suited to their roles. There was a reason I was doing it; my team had never lost the flag. After I had assigned other groups to protect certain spots and attack our enemies, only Snowbelle, Javier, Ryan, Luca, Ariella, Sapphire, and I were left.

"I'll head out with Sapphire," Javier starts.

"No," I counter.

She had never played our version before; it wasn't a cute little pretend match. People were going to be stabbed, trampled, and punched. This was just a trick to simulate the real scenario of a battlefield. We didn't need Javier getting our fresh recruit hurt on her first day.

"She stays with me."

His jaw flexes. "Why's that?"

I raise my chin as I stare him dead in the eyes. " Because I'm captain, I've got a problem."

Sapphire stares between us and frowns in my direction, I couldn't care less. It would look terrible on my part if she ended up getting hurt on my team; after today, she could go frolicking with Javier all she wanted.

"Alright then, Ryan and Snowbelle, you watch our flank. Javier you're on the lookout, and Sapphire and I are heading toward the flag. Luca and Ariella, you're our last set of defenses. Hide by the flag."

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