Chapter 6☆

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This chapter is long and has mentions of abuse. Also I didn't read over so sorry in advance for any mistakes

The setting sun painted hues of orange and pink across the city as Beyonce found comfort in the familiar view from her apartment window. Ava's joyful laughter filled the room as she played with her toys.

As a forceful and aggressive knock echoed through the apartment, Beyonce,alerted to the unexpected intrusion, hesitated before opening the door, revealing Marcus, Ava's father, standing with a tense and assertive demeanor, his presence sending shockwaves through the room.

"What are you doing here?" Beyonce's voice quivered with a mix of surprise and unease. Her hands trembling as she tried to process him standing in front of her.

The sudden reappearance of Marcus brought forth the shadows of a traumatic past. Beyonce could almost feel the weight of his abusive action lingering in the air.

Ava, engrossed in her toys,remained blissfully unaware of the storm brewing between her mother and this man who she didn't know.

Marcus attempted to reconnect with Ava, a stranger in her world. Beyonce felt a knot tighten in her stomach as she watched him try to interact with her. Her protective instincts flared, torn between allowing Ava to know her father and shielding her from the potential pain he carried.

"Hey Ava, remember me?"  Ava looked up, not recognizing the voice of who called her name.

As Marcus tried to talk to Ava, memories flashed before Beyonce's eyes- memories of fear, of feeling trapped in a cycle of pain. The air became thick with the tension of unspoken words.

A vivid flashback unfolded before her,like a haunting film reel playing in her mind. The echo of slamming doors, harsh words, and the sting of Marcus;s hand against her cheek every time she did something he didn't like, the constant nights of crying because he was cheating. Beyonce, momentarily transported back in time, and felt the raw intensity of those moments as if they were happening all over again.

Beyonce, attempting to steady her nerves, clutched the edge of the table, her knuckles turning white.

Unable to contain her emotions any longer, Beyonce confronted Marcus about the painful history they shared.

"You can't just waltz back in here like nothing happened!" Beyonce's voice quivered with a mix of anger and hurt.

"Look, I know I messed up, but I want to be a part of Ava's life now," Marcus stated looking everywhere else but at Beyonce.

Beyonce, her patience wearing thin, let loose her pent-up emotions. "You destroyed everything, Marcus! Do you remember the fear I felt every time you walked through that door? The nights I spent crying??

Marcus,defensive but desperate to make amends retorted, " I made mistakes,but I'm not the same person. I want to be there for Ava, for you."

Beyonce, tears streaming down her face, countered with a bitterness. "You don't get to play victim here. You made our lives a livin hell, and now you want forgiveness? You think you can just stroll back in and play daddy after everything you've done."

Marcus, fueled by frustration, shot back with a declaration that shook the room. "I've changed, Beyonce. I've been through therapy, I've confronted my demons. I want a chance to prove I can be better- for Ava."

But Beyonce brought up memories that haunted her every waking moment. " Changed? Therapy? Don't think I've forgotten the day you sent me to the hospital, MarcusNo amount of therapy eases the pain you inflicted. I Won't let you near Ava, not after what you did."

Marcus, desperate for a foothold in Ava's life, pleaded, "Beyonce, she needs another parental figure in her life, I know I can make amends. Let me be a father to her."

But, beyonce, hardened by the years of survival refused to back down. " You lost that privilege the moment you raised your hand to me. Ava doesn't need a parental figure like you. I refuse to let her go through what I went through."

Beyonce continues, her eyes red with tears and voice choked with pain " Do you remember the time you promised to change? The promises you made while I was nursing a black eye " I'll be better, beyonce. I love you." But it was all a lie, Marcus. A never-ending cycle of apologies and broken promises."

Marcus, his desperation turning into frustration, countered with an intensity. " You think I haven't paid for my mistakes? I've spent nights regretting every moment I made you cry. I want to make things right."

But Beyonce, unwilling to let him off the hook, retorted, "Right for who? For you? This isn't about your redemption, Marcus. It's about protecting Ava from the monster she doesn't know you used to be."

Marcus, a mix of anger and remorse in his eyes, brought up a memory he hoped would shift the tide. "Beyonce, you can't deny the good times we had. Remember the day Ava was born? The joy we shared?"

Marcus, his tone softened, tried a different approach. "Beyonce I know I can't change the past, but I want to be there for Ava now. Let me be a father to her."

Beyomce, her eyes still wet with tears,shook her head. "Marcus, being a father isn;t just about moments. It's about consistency, love, and trust. You shattered that trust a long time ago."

Ava sensing the exhaustion in her mother, approached Beyonce, her small hand reaching out for comfort. Beyonce, gathering Ava into her arms, Ava then kissed her mother as a way to comfort her.

Marcus unable to control his anger, " Beyonce, you can't keep Ava away from me. I have rights as her father, and I won't let you play victim forever."

Beyonce, her protective instincts flaring, held Ava closer. "Marcus, this isn;t about playing victim. It's about protecting our daughter from the pain you caused. I won't let history repeat itself."
Marcus, his temper escalating, took a step forward. " You think you can just keep her from me? You are playing a dangerous game, Beyonce. Don't push me too far."

Beyonce stood her ground. " I won't let you intimidate me. Ava deserves a stable and loving environment, not the chaos you bring."

Ava, sensing the tension, clung tighter to Beyonce, her innocent eyes wide with fear.

Marcus, pointed a finger at Beyonce and spoke with a voice laced with venom. "You'll regret this, Beyonce. I'll make sure of it. You can't keep Ava away from me forever." Marcus then stormed out the apartment slamming the door so hard that it shook the tv.

Beyonce looked down at Ava with a look of determination in her eyes and said "I'll do whatever it takes to protect you."

What should Beyonce do?

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