Chapter 3: Getting Settled

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Hermione had no idea how to find the two children in the large house, at home she'd just have shouted but here- with multiple floors and wings. it may as well have been Hogwarts for as many rooms as there were. She couldn't imagine having to keep it all clean and cared for. The only things she could do were wander the house shouting like some imbecile or ask one of the house elves. What had they called the one who had been tending the kitchen- Maude? She seemed kind. House elf names almost always ended with the long ee sound. "Maudey?" She hazarded, wondering if the house elf would respond to her. Technically, house elf's magic was tied to the family of the house alone, though she imagined there were probably caveats for house guests- which she was of course. The older female elf popped up next to her, the grey smocked dress and apron she wore was clean and crisp, "ma'am called Maudsley?" the elf said, sketching a small curtsy.

"Maudsley. I'm so sorry- yes, um, Malfoy has gone to fetch dinner– can you send the children back down to me?" She had screwed up the wonderful creature's name. She swore she'd learn the name of every single elf in the house as soon as humanly possible- she didn't care if Malfoy employed a hundred of them.

"Of course, ma'am." And she was gone with another pop. Within a minute she heard the thundering footsteps of the two children dashing down a staircase behind her, laughter echoing off the walls.

"Mum! This place is amazing!" Rose said, gasping as they stumbled into the kitchen.

"Mauds said you needed us?" Scorpius giggled as Rose flopped across a barstool. Hermione smiled, "It's been the Malfoy's home for many generations so it ought to be amazing." she said to her daughter before she turned to Scorpius, "your father asked that you get the table set so we can eat when he gets back. Rose can help."

"Yes ma'am." He flashed that joyful smile up at her and turned to Rose

"I haven't shown you the dining room yet! Come on!" The two of them dashed off and Hermione stayed put. She wasn't ready for the grand tour yet, and definitely not at the hands of an innocent child who had no idea of the history she'd been through in the house. She'd feel safer with Draco. Hermione sighed and took the last drink of her coffee like a shot. Safe with Draco. She never thought that sentence would ever cross her mind. Draco Malfoy, her school yard bully had grown into himself. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't interested in getting to know this new version of him.

She'd met Astoria Malfoy at the midwife's office during their pregnancies, Rose and Scorpius had been due about a week apart, and Astoria had invited her out to lunch after her first appointment. They'd ended up meeting after appointments regularly and they'd talk for hours often about books and their pregnancy symptoms, occasionally about their hopes for their unborn children, and rarely about their husbands outside of the 'how'd he react when you told him?' Hermione knew how excited Draco had been to learn that Scorpius was coming- and how worried they'd lose the baby after the loss of their first at ten weeks. "He cried Mione." Astoria had told her with tears glistening in her eyes, "absolutely bawled and I couldn't help but laugh. I was so excited. I don't think I've seen him that happy since our wedding." Hermione cried her eyes out when she heard of Astoria's passing nine months after Scorpius and Rose were born mere hours apart. She had held baby Rose more tightly and cried for a week. She'd sent a condolence letter when she'd finally been able to find the words.

Hermione took a deep breath, stilling her mind for a moment she felt peace swell up and wash over her. It was so strange. Since beginning her pursuit of wandless magic she'd felt more attune to her own magic and the magic of the things and people around her. What she felt there in the kitchen was a lot like the magic she felt at Harry's house the last time she watched her niece and nephews. But that had felt cold and hostile, this was warm and welcoming. Instead of a voiceless hiss of Get out Mudblood. It whispered Welcome! We've been waiting for you. Before she could dig deeper into the magic surrounding her, Draco reappeared with the food and she jumped slightly. "Did you find the kids?" He asked as he set the things down on the counter beside her,

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