Another Day

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Dear Kaitlyn,

You are more than welcome to come this summer. Charlie will be home for a short time, but we will be going to the Quidditch World Cup. We don't have an extra ticket but I'm sure we could make something work for you. If you choose to stay home we understand, all the kids miss you and I do as well. Charlie asked about you in his last letter, I promise he hasn't forgotten. We love you dear.

Mrs Weasley and the family

I sighed and put the letter away. My head aches as memories I didn't know I had pounded at my door. Memories I did remember also pained me--being abandoned by the St James and being attacked every day. But also memories of a woman with blonde hair and green eyes, and a man with brown hair and gray eyes, a silly expression on his face as he laughed. I shook my head and cleared my mind. Not right now. I sat down and wrote.

Dear Mrs. Weasley and family,

I am so happy for y'all! I wish I could make it but I have lots of preparation to make for the new school year. I wish I would have known earlier, but it's done. I miss you all dearly. Not a day goes by I don't think of you. I love Charlie, and I dream of a future where we're together. Here's a picture of Nora, Sage, and me at a fundraiser for Sage's work.



I handed the letter to Aphrodite, my owl, and she pecked at my hand. I smiled, at her as she spread her wings and glided off. Being on the coast was helpful, shorter distances. My head flashed and dropped to the desk. I clutched it as memories ran through. A boy with dark hair and green eyes. A smile painted on his lips, as a laugh bubbled up. I gasped and it disappeared. My eyes focused on my bare feet. I sighed and looked out my window. Harry.


I walked to the floo and sighed. Nora and Sage gave me hugs as I patted my pockets to make sure I had my wands and my luggage.

"Okay, I'm not sure I'm ready," I muttered. Nora put her hands on her hips.

"Kaitlyn, it's time you visit again. It's been five years," she said. I looked down ashamed. Two years had passed since George, Fred, and Ginny requested me back. It broke me every time to send the apology that I couldn't make it back. 

My heart was in pain with worry. Would they even want me there? I flooed to the airport and then after a long flight and a short appereation, I appeared at the Burrow.

It was bigger than last time. They must have added to it. I walked to the door and took a deep breath but the door swung open before I could knock. Mrs. Weasley embraced me tightly and smiled.

"It's lovely to see you dear," I smiled.

"It's so nice to be back," I looked down. "I'm so sorry I missed the last few years," she waved me off.

"Dear, we have much to discuss but not here. I'm afraid this summer we are staying somewhere else," I looked at her oddly.

"Mrs. Weasley, what do you mean?" I looked up and saw a few big men I didn't recognize but I did see one. I walked to him with fury in my eyes. "You lying lousy pathetic excuse of a mentor!" I yelled, looking at him. Dumbledore smiled down at me.

"Hello dear," I had tears in my eyes.

"You left me in the dark, you left me to find my own way. You were even there!" I said, hurt evident in my voice. He nodded.

"But it got you here," he said. I balled my fists.

"I would still be here if you had told me the truth and the whole truth. But no always a game with you, always have to have the upper hand," I ranted as the men and Mrs. Wealsey watched.

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