1. Hate at First Sight

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I hate this. This is so fucking stupid! I don't want to get married!

I'm Cassidy Grace Hyde. I'm 16 and my stupid parents are making me get married. You know first, they took away my birthright to be the leader of the French mafia, second they abused me my whole childhood, and third THEY'RE MAKING ME GET MARRIED! I don't even know the dude. This is gonna go bad. I might as well pull the damn trigger before anything happens. Yes, I own a gun. I own a lot of guns and knives that I keep under a floor bed under my bed along with my phone, laptop, and a stash of $5,000. I got all this stuff when I was still in school but I just recently graduated. I quickly move it all into a bookbag.


I groan and stand in front of the large mirror in her bathroom. She rushes in holding a bunch of dresses. She has me try them all on and she decides on one.

I wanted to wear white, blue, or pink but she chose black.

I wanted to wear white, blue, or pink but she chose black

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Cool looking but not me.

-Well there we go! Let's add a shawl over your shoulders though to cover your bruises and some long gloves for those ugly scars you made on your arms. Aw yes.

She takes the dress off so I can shower. As I get undressed and get in the shower she asks me a question.

-You excited?


She looks at me.

-You know even if you're not you could act it. Be grateful your father and I found you an amazing husband just like your father.

-Oh, joy.

SMACK. A burning sensation spreads around my ass.

-You stop this act right now young lady! You're lucky anyone wants to marry you so get your act together!

-Yes, mother.

She literally growls and then leaves the room. Once I'm done showering I wrap a towel around me and sit in front of the mirror while my mother, father, and younger sister come into the room. My mother starts to brush and detangle my hair before drying it. She styles it with a middle part and has it straightened. I prefer part of my hair in the front flipped over so I do so. She swats my hand.

-That makes you look like a rebellious teenager.

-It's my wedding can't I pick one thing myself?

She rolls her eyes before finishing my hair. She didn't put the hair back so I kept it. Before I go to change into my undergarments and my dress my father takes me into the private closet and shuts the door. He takes off his belt.

-Bend over my lap. This is a warning to not fuck this day up.

I do as told knowing if I didn't it would be worse.

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