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Hi guys! I just wanted to let you readers know that I am in online school and I have important tests coming up that require my attention so I've decided to try to get a schedule for updates. This schedule is going to list all of my books so if you're a reader of the others this will tell you about them all. Also, this schedule will be going until May 31st, so until the school year for me is over.

The Academy of Hell: This week will have an update.

Her 2 Moms and Dads: This week will have an update.

Her 8 Older Brothers: This week will have an update.

His Queen: This week will not have an update.

Little Angel: This week will have an update.

Iris: This week will not have an update.

Nick: This week will not have an update.

The books not having an update this week will be uploaded next week, and then the ones above will be alternating weekly. In other words, each book will be uploaded every other week for the next two months, to see how well it goes. Be aware though some may be updated with extra chapters if I have time, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!


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