4. First Date

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A week later...

The morning light filtered softly through the sheer curtains of Cassidy's room, casting gentle patterns on the wooden floor. Despite the peaceful setting, Cassidy's heart raced with a mix of anticipation and nerves each time she heard footsteps approaching her door. Today was no different, not to mention the pounding in her head after being chained to a wall and having lots of damage done to you.

The door creaked open, and Harrison stepped inside. His presence was commanding, yet when he looked at Cassidy, his eyes softened.

"Good morning, Cass," he said, his voice unexpectedly gentle. "Did you sleep well?"

Cassidy nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, unsure of how much to reveal.

"Yeah, I guess. Just trying to wrap my head around everything.."

Harrison's gaze lingered on her for a moment, reading her discomfort.

"I understand. It's a lot to take in," he conceded. He walked over to the window, looking out at the early morning sky.

"How about I make us some breakfast? It might make it easier to think when your stomach is full."

Cassidy felt a small, grateful smile tug at her lips.

"That sounds nice. Thanks."

As Harrison headed towards the kitchen, Cassidy's curiosity piqued. At first, she believed she would hate him, and then she had a small hope she'd like him. The man she was bound to was full of surprises, and perhaps, just perhaps, this arrangement could bring moments of light she hadn't anticipated. The sound of pots and pans clattered in the background, a strangely comforting reminder that she wasn't alone anymore and definitely not with her family.

As the aroma of freshly cooked eggs and bacon filled the large kitchen, Cassidy took a seat at the rustic wooden table. Harrison placed two plates down, his movements precise and careful. They began to eat, the silence comfortable, filled only with the soft clinking of cutlery.After a few moments, Harrison cleared his throat, capturing Cassidy's attention.

"So, Cass, there's something I need to tell you," he began, his tone serious but kind. "We have a trip coming up soon, something important for... business and something else."

Cassidy looked up, her curiosity piqued. She knew that "business" often meant something more, given Harrison's connections.

Harrison continued, "I want you to be prepared and comfortable for it. Sean will be coming over later to take you shopping for whatever you might need."

The idea of shopping for a trip stirred a mix of excitement and nervousness in Cassidy. She was excited to go shopping with Sean however she is slightly nervous about the trip. As she sipped her coffee, watching Harrison's calm demeanor, she wondered what this new chapter would bring, and how Sean would fit into her rapidly changing life in the future.

The sound of a luxury car pulling up to the front of the house signaled Sean's arrival. Cassidy peered through the window, her heart lightening at the sight of Sean stepping out of the sleek, black vehicle. He looked up, catching her eye, and waved with a broad grin that made Cassidy smile in return.

As she opened the door, Sean greeted her with his usual enthusiastic charm.

"Ready to hit the shops, Cass?" he asked, his tone playful yet sincere, much like an older brother coaxing his sister into an adventure.

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