A Familiar Face

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I wrote those first 3 chapters in the span of a day.
Anyway, sorry for the wait, but I hope it was worth it.

     After splitting ways with my brothers I had headed outside so I could call my mom and tell her about the plans we'd just made.

And good thing too. Because as soon as I left the gym it soon was filled with fans of all sorts heading into the stands to watch the match between Lee and...

Hmm... Come to think of it, I don't know who Lee is going up against today. I pondered to myself. Well, guess I'll find out later.

I then decided to sit on the brick wall that lined the entrance to the stadium so I wasn't in the way of people trying to get in.

Getting comfortable, I pulled out my Rotom Phone and dialed my mom's phone number.

I waited patiently for her to pick up.

"Hello? Said my mother on the other line.

"Hey mom." I responded."So, me and Hop are gonna stay in Hammerlocke for a bit to watch Leon's match. Is that okay?"

I then her hear giggle on the phone."Why of course it is. Just be safe and tell Leon I said hi." She happily requested.

"Got it. Thanks mom." I replied, finding her seemingly amused tone to be quite weird."Love you, bye." I said as I hung up.

Mom was acting odd, mischievous almost. Almost as if she's planning something. I thought to myself.

I then look at the time on my phone."I should get going, Lee's match is about to start." I said to myself.

I then hopped off the brick wall and made my way to the entrance.

But as I was walking toward the entrance, I spotted something walking besides me.

A slimey little Goomy was trying its hardest to find its way inside, it seemed like he wanted head in and watch the battle as well. Too bad Goomy aren't exactly the fastest Pokemon.

I felt a little sad seeing it struggle to head inside, so I decided to help it out

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I felt a little sad seeing it struggle to head inside, so I decided to help it out.

I kneeled down and extended my hand to the Goomy cautiously."You want some help there, little mate?" I asked with a gentle smile to help it feel comfortable.

It stared at me with stars in its eyes as it gave me an excited."Woomy!" As it slugged into my arms.

I giggled a little at how excited the little mate was and headed towards my seat with the this slimey little fella in my arms.

     Later on, I made it to my seat by finagling my way through the crowd and finally sat next to Hop.

"Hey, Y/N! You excited to see one of Lee's matches in per-" His eyes then shifted from me, to the Goomy that was excitedly bouncing in my hands."Whoa! Where'd you find that Goomy?!" He beamed with enthusiasm.

"Oh uh, he was just hanging around outside and I'd thought I'd invite him to watch the match with us." I said, petting it as it cooed in anticipation.

"Speaking of the match, who's the challen-" Just then the lights dimmed and a spotlight was pointed to reveal a man standing in the field, Chairman Rose.

"Welcome ladies and gentleman!" He announced to the crowd."Today we witness a match that will forever be timeless, a match with Galar's very own, please welcome Champion Leon!"

Before Leon got the chance to even step out onto the field the audience screamed and cheered as Lee eventually make his way out onto the field.

"And don't forget to greet his opponent for this evening! The Tamer of Dragons and the fierce Gym Leader here in Hammerlocke, Raihan!"

My eyes widen in shock as the Chairman reveals who Lee's opponent was today. As I stare in confusion, my eyes dart towards the other entrance to the field to see if I heard that right.

And, as if in slow motion, there he was, Raihan. Raihan then slowly made his way to the field as the crowd cheered as loud as before, only this time the girls in the audience went a bit more crazy.

"W-wait, Raihan is Leon's match today?!" I asked Hop in such confusion.

"Duh!" Hop said as he playfully rolled his eyes."Raihan and Leon's rivalry was legendary, even though Raihan never wins, he always tries to beat Lee." Hop explained.

"Well that does make sense, Raihan has always been hard headed ever since I first met him." I agreed.

"Wait, WHAT?! You know Raihan!" Hop gasped in shock.

"Well, yeah. You know Raihan's a family friend right? Me and Lee have known him since childhood." I explained.

"Woah, REALLY!" Hop beamed once more.

"Sure is." I said proudly. I then turn my attention back to the field and kinda just stared at Raihan for a while."He got tall." I chuckled under my breath.

Hop then shot me a cheeky look."Is he like, you're boyfriend." He snickered.

"Oh, whatever." I waved off with a light smile.

Just then, the Rotom Drones above us started to announce the beginning of the match."Trainer on your mark," Raihan and Lee then got into a battle ready pose and prepared for the intense battle at hand.

"Let the battle begin!"
Not looking forward to writing the Pokemon battle, but I'll do my best!

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