Late Night

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X-Files Office
2:15 A.M.

The silence was almost deafening, and the office held that late night sort of chill in the air.  I glanced up at the clock, and took note of the hour.  My back ached. My eyes were burning. My throat felt dry and scratchy, and the idea of coffee was sending me into lustful delusions of arabica beans. I turned to the next page of an old field report, and let out a small sigh.

"Getting tired are we?" came a deep voice from the other side of our dimly lit office. It surprised me a little at first, causing my breath to catch just a moment. I couldn't quite make out his face in the dark, but I recognized the familiar concern in his voice. 

"Well, maybe a little, but you know we have to get this done," I stated matter of factly turning yet another dull page of useless information.

"You know we aren't going to find any answers in these old reports, Y/N," he said, slowly beginning to rise from his desk. He ran his hand softly through his dark hair.  "Even if there should be information here, they would have erased it all from the official files," he exhaled in frustration.

Now standing, he reached for his neck and tugged his burgundy tie loose. I watched as his exasperation seemed to spread throughout his entire body. As I was noticing this, I couldn't help but realize that I was checking him out at the same time.

I looked back down at my report quickly. My cheeks almost getting warm as if I had been caught. It's not that I was checking him "out" out. I was strictly observing my coworker's frustration, I told myself.

Observing how good he looks in a suit, and wondering how that five o'clock shadow would feel against my face was more like it. I felt my cheeks warming once again at my realization.

"Did you hear what I said," he asked suddenly, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked up and pursed my lips.

"Mulder, I know you think all these files have been tampered with, but there is no reason to necessarily believe anyone has done that.  These are ordinary case files.  They aren't top secret for a reason.  But, we still have to make sure we haven't missed anything," I answered looking into his eyes. He looked tired, but nodded slowly.

"I figured you would probably say that," he smiled a little to himself. "But trust me, one of these days something so strange is going to happen, that you will have no choice but to believe," he looked at me almost daring me to ask what he thought that might be. Instead I returned to my work.

"Aw, you aren't any fun are you?" he shook his head in mock frustration.  I was about to laugh when I noticed something odd.

"Mulder, come look at this," I said, quickly gesturing him over. As he moved closer, I looked down to inspect exactly what I had uncovered. On the last page of my file there was an imprint of another page, but there weren't any further pages. It looked like some pages has been damp and imprinted on this sheet, but those pages were now missing.

"Someone has removed the rest of this file," I said lifting it to show him. "Who knows how many pages could have been taken," I said nervously. I pulled the file back to myself just to check again.

Mulder moved in closely to see as well. His cologne engulfed me in a woodsy spicy musk, and I felt his strong hand resting gently on my back. His breath was hot on my ear, and I knew if I turned my head our faces would be only inches apart.

"Can you tell what it says," he asked quietly, his hand now on the back of my neck. I could hardly focus, but I tried to look down at the smeared words roughly imprinted.

"I think it says something about... missing dogs," I questioned, trying to make out a phrase or two. I tried to look closer, but his hand held me strictly in place. Whether by accident, or intentionally, I couldn't really tell.

"I have heard of stories like that. A whole neighborhood of dogs all randomly deciding to run away, and are never seen again." He took the pen from my hand and traced a word on the page.

As he wrote, his other hand slid slowly down the back of my my neck. Like the worlds slowest but most soothing massage ever. His fingers eventually creeping towards the top of my blouse. My breath hitched in my throat as a finger slid beneath the sheer fabric.

"I'm not sure I would have noticed this.  Good girl, Y/N," he whispered, turning back to me. I dared to look over just enough, and I saw his hazel blue eyes digging deeply into mine. Another finger dipped below the back of my blouse, and my cheeks began to catch fire. My heart was pounding out of my chest, so loud I felt like he must be able to hear it.

"Thank you," I finally whispered into the small void between us. A grin folded from the corner of his mouth.  More like a smirk really. 

"You know you're the best partner, I've ever had," he stated, moving closer now. I turned all the way towards him as his entire hand crept down the back of my shirt.  It was so warm, and his fingers began rubbing soft circles on my back.  His eyes were dark, but they looked sweetly into mine as I relaxed in his hands.

"You're the best partner I have ever had, too," I whispered in his ear, allowing our cheeks to touch.  His was rough on my soft skin, but his musky scent made my heart beat even faster.  I wanted to drink him in. 

I put my arm on his shoulder as he pulled me close. His other hand now resting softly on my hip. I looked up and saw a mysterious shadow cross over his expression that I had never seen before. He dipped his head, and suddenly roughly kissed my neck. I felt myself almost collapsing into his arms as his stubble scratched across my skin. 

"What is happening," I whispered into his ear with my last bit of willpower.

"Your something weird, I think," he answered, breaking away from my neck.  I pulled his hair, and our mouths finally met. It was an explosion of chemistry that must have been building for months. I became weak in the knees, as his intoxicating scent filled every breath. His hands roaming me, yet holding me tight at the same time.

I realized that kissing him was better than I had ever daydreamed of. It was so hot and magical, yet I had never felt so safe in my entire life. He kissed me once more roughly, and finally pulled back.

"I suppose I believe now," I whispered in his ear still pulling his hair lightly. I heard a deep laugh in his throat, and he smiled.

"I guess I should have done that a long time ago then," he answered, softly brushing my hair from eyes.

"I guess so," I laughed, but as I said that, an odd look came over his face.

"What is it," I asked, nervous he was already regretting this. He looked down at the desk, appearing to be pondering something.

"We should check all the folders for water stains to see if any of the others were tampered with at the same time," he said grabbing up a file or two.

"What am I going to do with you," I laughed shaking my head.

"Oh, I've got some ideas," he smirked with a grin.

I felt my cheeks heating up, but just grabbed a handful of files. This was going to be a late night.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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