20. Shopping

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Day 19

The last 4 days have been crap. Laying in bed 24/7 sucks. I swear I've watched almost half of all the movies Netflix holds. The only thing I've been doing is watching tv while eating the meal that was brought up to me. I'm so happy that today I finally get to go shopping.

I'm not someone who loves shopping, at all. I'm not. I just need to get out of the house. I'm beginning to feel like an animal stuck in a cage and god do I have a new fucking understanding of anti-zoo people.

I made my way downstairs, my body not yet used to the fresh breeze of the air conditioning.

I grab an apple and sit down at the table. It's not like it's anything that requires me to sit down but I do it anyway. Wanting to enjoy the sweet taste of the apple.

I was told to not run, from the doctors and my family, two different meanings, or do anything that could move my head too much at the mall. Which meant I couldn't sprint into different stores like a desperate parent trying to finish their Christmas shopping before the Christmas rush started. How horrible.

I'm going to become one of them soon. Shit

"Morning" Benjamin mutters while reaching for an apple of his own. His nose looks a lot better now than it did right after I hit him 7 days ago. The bruise has now become a yellow-green colour. It still looks horrid and seems as tho he got jumped but it looked like he got slightly less punched.

I still can't believe I did that. Wait, no I comply can. He touched me I touched him back. Repeatedly, with a lot more force, in the face. An eye for an even bigger eye I guess.

He asked for it

"How is the pain?" I question. He seemed surprised that I answered at all even so with a question. Something to keep a conversation going. If I'm being completely honest right now I just needed some kind of human interaction. Being locked in my room without school without arguments at all. I just wanted to talk to someone.

"Hurts like a bitch but I've had worse." I completely believe that. Him being in the mafia kinda has that side effect. 

"Looks a lot better. Sorry about that, I was caught off guard. My instinct kicked in," maybe I shouldn't have said instincts. That would imply that I naturally do that, which I do but they don't need to know that. If they did then they would be able to put two and two together. With the amount of hints I'm giving them I'm surprised they haven't found anything out yet.

"Where did you learn to punch like that? I think you could throw a better punch than I can, and I'm in the ma... martial arts program." Wow great save Ben. I could never tell you were lying to me. I simply shrug my shoulders the compliment going straight to my ego.

"Heat of the moment I guess" I answered simply not wanting to give anything else away.

"Honey I'm home!" A voice rang out, I could tell the voice was Allies by the way she spoke, and also the fact that she was the only other female that came to this house. She also was the only one to ever barge in like that.

"That's my queue" I spoke in my voice holding no emotion but still not emotionless. Somehow. I threw my apple in the compost and headed towards the door putting my Converse on and leaving the house Allie close behind me.

"Once we get to the mall, we should go to Aeropostale they have great fucking sweaters. Their clothes also seem to fit your aesthetic. Or are you more of a leather jacket kind of girl? You seem like you have the classic bad-girl personality. I can't believe I just said that, who said bad girl?" she fake gagged to further prove her point.

A ghost of a smile made its way onto my face. Lingering at the side of my lips. This girl was hyper. She seems sweet too. From past experiences, I can also say that she can be flirtatious and hot as fuck when she wanted to.

"Whatever fine with me as long as it keeps me away from bed" I answered. I love sleep and everything associated with it but enough is enough. I've had over 12 hours of sleep every night for the past 4 days. I'm ready to use that pent-up energy.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to bed?" Her voice held a flirtatious feeling to it. But damn she was smooth with that, I need to give it to her.

"I think that might be a little too much movement for my concussion," her face turned red. She can flirt but once someone flirts even the slightest bit back, not even flirts just mentions what she just entailed,  she is done for. Never knew I was a flirtatious friend, but here we are. I'm already finding things out about myself.


I'm not good at flirting. At all. That's what I found out about myself as we made our way into the mall. I mean I expected more out of myself. I try to be sly with it but it comes out sounding like I just want to get in her pants. That's not my goal.

I'm trying to be friends with her but fuck this is difficult. I mean I've never had one except for- yeah.  And I didn't have any relationships I can base this friendship off of. How do I act friendly?

We approached the mall, and the sound of voices and small children screaming their lungs filled my ears. Of course, we enter right next to the play place. I'm going to be coming here more often in 9 months.

I and the others still haven't really talked about my pregnancy or anything for that matter. They didn't even ask me how I could throw a punch like that, nor did they question my hacking skills that brought me to meeting my brother for the first time.

They really are blinded by getting their sister back and they don't even look at her. The fact that I don't talk much, had two broken ribs, ran from them, knocked my uncle out while being held hostage, knew they were my family, I'm pregnant, have bruises everywhere and I know that the concealer doesn't hide everything it all goes other their heads. There either oblivious as fuck or they just simply don't care. I mean I wouldn't give them a truthful answer, but at least they could ask.

I'm not asking for much am I?

I don't mean to. I just want lo-

Allies voice breaks me out of my thoughts thankfully, I don't need my mind to fill up with such nonsense. I don't need that, I'm doing fine on my own.

"Anna! Come over here I found Winners we can try on weird dresses and laugh at each other like they do in like every movie. You know with like the montage showing every weird outfit. I don't know if people actually do that- whatever" A small smile tugs at my lips.

Maybe today will be fun. Allie seems to be a handful. She could probably keep my thoughts at bay.

Words 1371

Does anyone have any funny covid stories?

I once was extremely exited to go to the eye doctor just because I wanted to leave the house. Online school sucked. I missed the outside world lmao

The beginning of Marianne's happy arc is starting! I hope I can fulfill her life to become as great as I imagine it to be!

I'm still not sure if I want to write smut for this but if I end up doing so just know it might not be great. In two weeks I'll be 14 so I'm still quite young to write that even if I read it.

Anyways, make sure to comment & vote!

Hope you like my story!

Dominique <3

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