25. Trouble on the first day

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Day 23

I ran out of gas.

Out of all the times I could have run out of gas it was today. Now, I'm sitting in the car with my brothers. Luca and Alex are insufferable when you're sitting in a car. I can't even walk away from their weird arguments I need to stay seated in the fucking back.

"-n't believe you think that cars are better than bikes," Luca argued.

"Yeah, they have lower death rates. Bikes are fucking dangerous." Alex retaliated.

"That's the point" I muttered to myself, hoping to god I could jump out of the window again.

"What? Anna like do you need help?" Alex questioned. God, he took that seriously. Damn.

"I meant I would rather have died on my bike than sit in the back seat of this car with you two dumb fucks." I turned to look out of the window when I saw their jaws hit the floor. I guess people don't talk to them that way.

I can finally see the school. The massive, fancy-ass school that looks like something straight out of a movie. Harry Potter specifically.

With the cone roofs, the brick walls and the old feel to it, I wouldn't be surprised if there were moving stairs and living paintings.

Alex parked the car and both of them walked out. I could tell they were popular, by the way everyone turned to look at them while they stood beside the car, probably waiting for me.

Just the first day of school. Another day of shitty people judging me in a shitty place with shitty teachers everywhere around you. This is great.

With that, I walked out. Murmurs instantly ignited. The gasps, the rumours, all the same as my old school. I looked around a scowl decorating my features. A few pointed glares at the people who stared for too long.

I walked towards the doors, behind my brothers letting them go in front before I started heading towards the locker area. I got a map thing of the school from Parker beforehand which is now very useful.

I see a guy standing behind me with his hand retracting staring right at my ass. No way in hell is this man doing that shit.

As his hand came down, I grabbed it- well, no more so his fingers, i  pulled them backwards. I twist his arm behind his back and force him to his knees. I push onto his arm making him cry out in pain.

"If you, or anyone else tries to fucking pull that shit, I will not hesitate to brake your arm." I glare at every single person staring at the scene in front of them with wide eyes.

"I wasn't-" I pushed harder onto his arm. A scream came out of his mouth. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry." I then stood up, pushing one last time onto his arm, making him shout again.

Looking around I spot my brothers looking at me shocked. Then a look of pride took over Alex's face as Luca's just stayed in a scowl.

"Ms. Bernard" I turn and glare at the person speaking. She looked in her mid-30s a pair of thin glasses resting on her nose. The frown on her freckled face was clear as day. Her dead blond hair, the brown roots showing at the top of her scalp, was tied into a neat bun on top of her head. She was wearing a black blazer and a white button-up shirt like the ones we were assigned to wear. She was the strict principal Ben always talked about.

"Thibaut" I correct. I don't want to be associated with my stepfather but he's dead. It's better to be associated with a dead man than the mafia. Especially when I'm still making sure my name is cleared for Steve's murder.

"My office, now." You could tell she was mad. The way her eye twitched and her firsts were twitching, aching to be balled into a fist. If we were in a cartoon she would have steam coming out of her ears. The look she was giving me would have sent anyone else plummeting to their knees before getting even one word in.

I obliged not arguing, knowing it wouldn't make a difference.

Another assault change here I come.

"Take a seat, Marianne." Again, there were two smaller chairs in front of the desk and her chair in between the desk and the wall. This setup is always used in schools. It makes the students feel smaller, makes them weaker. The room was small fitting only the chairs and desk. A picture of a graduation cap and diploma hanging on the wall behind me. I notice the security camera on the ceiling in the right corner. The blinking red light dared me to do something. Anything.

I sit on the chair in front of her, her taking a seat in the comfy leather chair that I envy at the moment. My cheap ass plastic chair couldn't compare.

"Your brothers are quite the troublemakers I'm believing you will be the same from what I've seen." I scoff at that.

"He tried to slap my ass. What did you want me to do? Let myself get fucking assaulted." Can people not believe that I don't want to get my ass slapped? I'm being fucking clear.

"Language." She glared at me through her small square reading glasses. "Of course, I don't want that but you didn't need to break his arm." I rolled my eyes,

"I didn't break it. I fractured it at worst. He can deal with it" he brought it upon himself.

"Do you know who that boy is?" I shake my head no. Not really caring anyway. "he's the son of a very important family in the United States. We were supposed to keep him safe." What. the. fuck.

"Am I supposed to care? Being popular and rich doesn't give him the right to slap my ass without consent." Fucking status doesn't give him the right to assault anyone he wants. Fuck the principal for thinking that changes anything.

"You have a week of detention for hurting the poor boy and you owe him an apology." Poor boy my ass. No way in hell am I apologizing to that son of a rich man.

"Can I have my schedule or will I be ditching today's classes?" I question. She didn't give me anything yet other than a map, which she gave Parker and not me so that doesn't count.

She sighs standing up and grabbing a piece of paper I'm assuming was my schedule for the next semester. She hands me both schedules, the one for this semester and the next one too. I check it immediately. I got my top five class choices, bio, psych, advanced calculus, English and art, with the mandatory ones such as 11th-grade math, french, p.e and health. I also have a spare this semester right after lunch. I'm good with that. (Shes in France french is mandatory and English is variable.)

She shooed me without lifting her head from the paper she was now looking at on her desk. I walk out, looking for a French class with Ms. Trudeau.



48, here. The class already started because it's already 8:45.

I walk in interrupting the class. I didn't mean to, there was just no other way for me to walk in. I can't exactly teleport.

That would be cool tho.

Every head snaps towards me. I recognize Alex's as he gives me a slight smile. An effort to reassure me I'm assuming.

"Oh miss. Thibaut or Bernard, whichever one, nice of you to join us today." The 50-ish year old teacher glares. What is with these teachers.

Im only at my first class of the day and im already dreading the rest.

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I know i haven't updated in literal years i just couldn't find the time with a buch of personal thing all happening right now for some reason, and i had such bad writers block like this chapter isn't even finished i just needed to get something out there.

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Dominique <3

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