Part 4 - a month or so from then

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Dear diary,
It's been a day since it all ended, the day i sent the message, a day since her mother messaged. It feels like someone run me over. The pain doesn't stop. God im crying writing this. It's really hard for me. I get attached to people so easily and then when it's gone it's like someone just spat on me heart.The  memory's maybe ment nothing to her or maybe they did but nothing much for our friendship to continue.
She was like a younger sister. I dream faded into dust. All there is, is just pain and sorrow.
Yours sincerely
The friend that was never meant to be.

Dear diary,
It's now day two since it all happened. My friends at school are my biggest supporters. I'm still very hurt but I have a friend I can talk to I guess. She gets it how I find it hard when getting attached to people. I honestly don't know what i would do without her. I still miss my old friend. The times we use to stay up late on calls together just talking about random shit. I have the book I got her but it's coursing me too much pain like too the point I want to burn it. Maybe that will make me feel more happier or properly not. I would probably just cry more.
Yours sincerely
That friend who was never meant to be.

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