Plan of action

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Allen looked up from the pile of dishes as Kanda walked into the cafeteria a few days later. Allen hadn't spent a night in his room, yet. He smiled at Kanda.

"Would it kill you to let me wake up before you leave?" Kanda growled as he sat beside Allen with his soba noodles.

"Maybe. I'm always really hungry after..." Allen's face turned pink. Kanda tsked.

Krory and Lavi strolled in. They saw how Kanda was ignoring Allen, saw Allen's red face. Lavi said something to Krory, who left to go get in line for food. Lavi came to sit across from the pair.

"What's with he dumb face, stupid rabbit?" Kanda growled.

"Hmm, I thought you were born with it." Lavi said without much delay.

Kanda's hand shot to where he, normally, wore Mugen. The sword wasn't there. He growled something about Lavi being lucky. Lavi laughed.

"By the sounds coming from your room this week, I wasn't the only one "lucky"." He teased.

Kanda rose swiftly reaching out to grab Lavi's collar. Before he could do more than pull the red head towards him, he heard the soft snickering. They both looked down to Allen.

"What? He isn't wrong!" Allen laughed as Kanda released the ginger.

Without a word, Kanda worked on finishing his noodles. Lavi ignored him turning to Allen instead.

"So, have they come up with any idea in finding Cross?" He asked.

The name still made Allen shiver. "No, I told Komui all I know. He said I should go back to work at the over night plant. See if Tyki shows up again." Allen shrugged.

"Nah, I don't see that happening." Lavi leaned back.

"Why not?" Lenalee was beside Krory as they came over carrying their trays of food. Krory gave half of his tray to Lavi.

"Because, Road knows we're Allen is. Therefore she told her dad where Allen is." Lavi paused to take a bite.

"You're thinking the Earl knows, now as well." Kanda guessed.

"He most definitely does." Lavi agreed.

They group ate in silence for a time. Each lost in their own thoughts, they all jumped when Daisya sat down with them.

"Why are you all so glum?" He asked.

"The Noah's know where Allen is. Therefore they know we told him everything." Lavi summed up.

"Which means, Master isn't here any longer." Allen sighed.

He wasn't watching his friends. They all swung their heads to look at him. Instead of offering more insight, Allen was gazing out the window. Unconsciously, he rubbed at his left shoulder. It didn't hurt, but he often did this as he thought about his own ability to fight. He wasn't that great at it, but not bad. He won mostly due to the skills of his friends. Allen knew he needed to get better with the sword.

He turned to see his friends watching him. "Don't leave us in the dark, here!" Daisya cried.

"Huh?" Allen blinked.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK CROSS IS!" the excitable jester yelled in the crown clown's face.

"Wherever I'm from." Allen insisted.

"Why do you think that?" Lavi asked slowly.

"It makes sense." Allen shrugged. "I was created because that world is dying. Those being killed off, are trying to find a place to survive. I couldn't survive in their world, so they sent me here. But, they were working to find or create a being that could survive in both worlds." Allen pointed out.

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