Fun on the overnight shift

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Kanda woke to the smell of... was that bacon? He sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He took out his ponytail, before climbing out of bed. It was falling out anyway, plus he needed to shower before work. Kanda pulled on a pair of sweatpants. As he woke, he recalled the pale white headed co worker he allowed to stay at his place. Even so, he never had bacon in his house before.

Walking downstairs he could smell coffee, along with other aromas, that were making his mouth water. Typically he only ate soba noodles. This was because they were cheap, as well as being the only food Kanda knew how to make. He stepped into the kitchen.

Allen was like a little snow bunny tornado. He spun from the electric grill on the counter where the bacon was cooking, to the Keurig where he was making coffee, across to the stove where he was flipping pancakes and stirring something in a large pan. Kanda watched amazed. The golden ball chirped from Allen's nest of white hair.

The ball was spinning around. It gave Allen the 'eyes in the back of your head' view. He was able to be working at one station while Timcanpy watched the others. They made a great team. Kanda wondered if the kid would bring the golden ball to work. They could use it for so much.

"Allen?" Kanda called over the sizzling food.

Allen flipped a pancake on to a plate. "Scrambled or fried?" he called out.

"Scrambled?" Kanda wondered what was going on.

Suddenly, Allen spun to face him. In one hand he had a steaming mug of coffee. It was fixed exactly like Kanda liked it. In the other hand he had a plate with light steam drifting up front he various foods.

"Oh, wow!" Allen took in the sight before him.

Kanda was shirtless. His muscles were lean, taunt, yet his chest looked well put together.

"Beautiful." Allen smiled, his red gaze drinking in the naked skin of his host.

Kanda surged forward. He took the plate and cup from the startled looking man. Swinging around, he sat at the counter. No sooner has his butt hit the stool then there was a pooping sound.

"Oh, toast!" Timcanpy flew off of Allen's head to collect the cooked bread.

The pieces fell onto small saucers. Allen slathered butter and jam over them before placing one plate in front of Kanda. Kanda watched as Allen dished up his own plate then a third one. He sat the third one at the end of the counter away from any chair. Allen brought his own plate to sit across from Kanda.

Timcanpy landed on the last plate. Kanda just watched in a sort of morbid fascination. The food was disappearing inside a large crack like mouth.

"He is really a cybernetic organism. Part alien." Allen said.

"What?" Kanda blinked.

"There are things that come into our world that aren't a part of it. Tim is part that and part computer. Master saved his life by fusing them together. He is part of an organization known as the..."

"Black order?" Kanda growled.

"General Marion Cross!" He snarled.

"That's your master?" he demanded.

Allen flinched, the toast hanging out of his mouth.

"How'd you know?" he mumbled around it.

"I serve the order. Well, this branch of it. I protect their base. Cross is on a most wanted list. He disappeared a bit over a decade ago." Kanda explained.

"That was about the time he came for me." Allen nodded.

"Where did this food come from?" Kanda changed the subject. He knew he would have to contact his superiors over this development.

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