The Most Awkward Moment Ever

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Cry's POV

So me and Mark moved in together here in Florida and we both had our separate recording rooms. I later ordered pizza for lunch since Mark wouldn't stop complaining that he wanted it. So knowing me I gave in and ordered the pizza, it soon arrived about 10 minutes after I ordered it, I payed for it and set it down on the table.

I went to the restroom to fix my hair cause it look like shit, but I heard a loud thumping go down the stairs, When I was done I went downstairs and saw Mark already eating half of the pizza!

"HEY, at least save some for me!"

"Sorry im just really hungry for some reason." So me and Mark started to eat the Pizza. About 15 minutes went by, and nothing really exiting happened until I heard the doorbell ring. I wasn't really expecting anybody so I had no idea of who it was.

I walked over to the door and without looking to see who it was, I opened the door with half a piece of pizza in my mouth, and oh my god my eyes went huge to see both of my parents standing on the other side of the door.

I immediatley closed the door and ran over to the desk beside the couch and pulled out my mask and put it on. Now this wouldn't have bothered Mark if I wasn't running and yelling shit repeatedly under my breath.

"Everything o.k?" Mark said, I honestly didn't know what to say!

"NO! myparentsarehereandtheydontknowyou'rehereandtheywatchbothofourchannelsandtheyalsodontknowwe'regayandtogether!"

I yelled as fast as I could. I saw the expression change immediatley on Marks face as he started to run up the stairs I walked over to the door and opened it. If your wondering why I put on my mask in front of my parents they haven't seen my face since I was 14, im 24 now.

"HEY! I had no idea you guys were coming! Not to be rude or anything but why are you here?" As soon as I said that, I heard Mark yell ''shit'' and loud thumping come down the stairs. I slowly turned around to see mark lying on the floor holding his leg trying to get up, and repeatedly saying ow. It would've been funny, If my parents hadn't seen the entire thing. Great.

Mark's POV

I started to run upstairs when I heard that Cry's parents were here. Unfortunatley I forgot that there was a thumbtack on one of the steps. Now that would've been fine if it wasn't for I wasn't wearing shoes...

"shit shit shit shit!" After saying my battle cry of pain, I fell, down the stairs, onto the floor, where everybody could see me...great.

I slowly stood up and looked over at Cry to see him and what seemed to be his parents looking at me.

"um...hi." I mean, I didn't really know what else to say. I saw Cry look back at his parents and started to talk to them.

"Yeah, um, that's Mark he's, kinda clumbsy..." I AM NOT CLUMBSY! well, maybe a little. I started to walk over to where he stood so I coul-

"MARK WATCH OUT!!!" By the time cry said that I was already on the floor. I guess I forgot to put up the marbles that I was playing with for a video. I slipped. This was already extremely embarrassing for me and probably really awkward for Cry. This is the best first impression.

Cry's POV

I tried to warn Mark that there were marbles on the floor but by the time I finished my sentence, he was already on the floor. I walked over and grabbed his hand to help him up, but when he stood up he slipped again pulling me down with him. amazing, just amazing.

I rolled over and stood up once again helping mark up off the floor, making SURE he didn't slip again. Once we were both up we walked over to my parents. Mark introduced him self, so once he was done I invited my mom and dad into my house.

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