The Drive to the Ice Cream Shop

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Mark's POV

 "Um, Mark?" Cry spoke finaly breaking the awkward silence.

"Yes?" I said

"How do you know florida so well?" Cry asked me, and by the way he said it I can tell he was extremely curious on how I did know florida that well.

"Well you see, I may or may not have done a little research on google earth or somethin' like that." I stated sarcasticly.

"Really? Wow... u-um so where are we going, you never really told me that?" Cry said once again.

"Well you see, I know you loooooove ice cream so much, so i've decided, im taking you to an ice cream shop!" I say ethusiasticly.

"U-um mark? You do realize i've lived in florida for a long time now and i know where almost every single ice cream shop is, right?" Cry said

"oh yeah..." I had completly forgotton about that. As I started to laugh Cry joined me in deep fits of laughter knowing that I had forgotton that he has lived in florida for a long time.

"M-M-ark, y-you can b-be a little o-on the d-downside sometimes." Cry spoke in between his laughter.

"Shut up." I said as I punched him in the arm.

"o-o-ow" Cry strugling to say still laughing.

"s-sorry." I apoligized

"dont worry about it!" Cry said to me as we pulled into a parking spot at the ice cream place. Both of our laughters died down a little, knowing it was the perfect place to tell him my secret.


Hey guys its RaNdOm here with another chapter of 2000 miles! Sorry I haven't posted in a while its just i've been going through some family issues so yeah. Also im getting a Sarracenia in a couple of days!

But yeah i hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! See you guys later!!! (sorry its so short to)

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