So, I'll be using two examples over here. Before that, let me explain a few points.
× To choose your base for a face swap, I would highly recommend deviantart. You get the best cosplays over there for free. Pinterest is also a good option, but you never know which you can use and which you cannot.
× Model (used in the face swap) vs base (used for face swap)
The left side is the base and the right side is the model.
Front viewed face = front viewed face / anything if the body proportions are still right.
Slanted face = front face / slanted
Side viewed face = Side viewed face
Looking down = literally anything since you're going to chop the base's head.
Looking down side = looking down sideNow, let's begin.
now, as you can notice, the colours don't match at all. Well, let's make them match.
1) Remove the base's face. Literally literally warp is or do whatever you want.
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