chapter 2

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| it girl Alyssa? |

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| it girl Alyssa? |

Leah's pov:

lazy day Saturdays are the best. I'm not finding today thank the Lord, so I'm just chilling at home. watching gossip girl, scrolling on Instagram, what more could a girl want?

I really need to find a new account to fangirl over though. ever since Percy Jackson none of my old it girl accounts have really spoken to me. i love finding inspo Instagram accounts.

i didn't know where to look, but I knew who would. I went to Dior's second account and stalked through her following. she always followed the best people. I came across this one account. Alyssaclark. that's such an aesthetic name. I scrolled through her profile and decided her vibe was so cute. she didn't look like she was a Percy Jackson fan, but who knows, maybe she just didn't post much.

As I clicked follow, I realised I hadn't switched to my second.


whatever it's fine I'm not that famous anyway. she probably doesn't even know who I am. As I looked at her most recent dump, a cute little January recap, I liked the post. I immediately decided that she would be my new inspo account, and who cares if she knows me, we can be each other's fan.

I secretly hoped she was a fan, because if she already knew me I think it would be so much easier to be friends. a new perk with my new fame was that accounts I follow almost immediately DM me. I'm not saying I'm ungrateful, I am so so grateful for everything I've gotten and I'm so proud of everyone, but I think it's just really funny. I'm just a girl living my life.

I sent Dior a quick text to thank her for her contribution to my following.

Christian Dior

Leah: Dior I was stalking your seconds following and I found the cutest account

Dior: omg who was it I love everyone there

Leah: it was this girl "alyssaclark"?
Leah: I don't know her but her vibe was so cute I loved it

Dior: right! I know her I followed her ages ago, before Percy Jackson.
Dior: that's so cute

leah: yea but I forgot to switch to my second so... let's hope she doesn't know who I am

Dior: are you kidding girl! ofc she'll know who you are. you're Leah Sava Jeffries!

leah: thanks dior, youre the best hypewoman

Dior: don't you forget it.

Indi's notes:

Chapter 2 omg. sorry it's so short😢 I'll try get longer chapters out I'm just running short of ideas.

I don't know why I signed up for this.

thoughts? feelings??

so happy Valentine's Day guys!!! I know the story's called valentines but... don't think I'll be getting it out in time for that. I literally only just wrote this chapter 😓

maybe it'll be done for next valentines..

anyway thank you for all the votes and comments last chapter you guys have my heart.

love you all 💗

- indi

valentines? ~ walker scobell x female o/c (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now