chapter 4

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|walker is a little cutie|

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|walker is a little cutie|

Leah's pov: 


ugh. I'm filming PJO season two today. Don't get me wrong I'm so excited, but it's 5:30 am. 5:30 in the morning. I'm super grateful tho! 

I roll over and stop the alarm, pulling myself out of bed. we have to get up early because it's out first day of filming so there's a lot of briefing or something I don't know, all I know is that I'm tired and it's cold. 

I quickly hop in the shower, washing all the sleep away from me. I am actually so excited for it now that I am more awake, and I can't wait to see Walker and Dior and Aryan and Charlie and everyone else because I haven't seen them in so long. the last time I texted Dior was when I found the Instagram account, and that was 3 weeks ago. 

i check Alyssa's Instagram again, just to find some outfit inspo, and I find the cutest fit she had posted recently. it was a fleece quarter zip crewneck and blue jeans. I just love her aesthetic, I'm so glad I found her account. I quickly like the post I had gotten the outfit from, and closed my phone. 

"leah, are you ready to go hun?" I heard my mom call to me. checking the time I realised it was 6:30 already and we had a hours drive to get to filming location. 

"yep! let me grab my bag I'll be ready in a second. meet me in the car"

rushing to get my bag and everything I would need, I run out to the car where my mom was waiting. 

"leah babe do you want to grab some Macdonalds for breakfast?" my mom asks me.

"oh yes please, can I just get a hash brown and a thick shake!?"


I walk onto set with my thick shake in my hand, searching for Dior. 

I'm so excited to see everyone I can't wait to hang out with them again. they were like my family, and I missed them so much over the break. 

"LEAH!!!!!" I turned my head and saw Dior running towards me from one of the campers. 

"DIORRRRR!!!" I yell and run back towards her. 

"omg girl it's been so long I missed you so much!" Dior mumbled into my head. it's true, I hadn't seen my best friends in months, over the break all of us school aged kids went back and didn't have time to hang out outside of school.

"ugh same I missed all of you. speaking of, where's walker and Aryan and stuff?" I ask her excitedly. 

"they're in the trailer, come on they're all so excited to start."

valentines? ~ walker scobell x female o/c (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now