chapter 3

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liked by leahsavajeffries and others

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alyssaclark january ❄️

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mia_higgs guys that's me
↳ alyssaclark main character moment

user1 looking gorg as all ways
↳ alyssaclark thank you beautiful! need to catch up soon!

alexis.second the memories 😓
↳ alyssaclark wish we could go back

user3 RIGHT??
↳ alyssaclark I'm shook


Alyssa's pov:

"I still can't get over the fact that she follows me though. like do you think she's told walker or Aryan about me?" I tell my friends.

I can tell Mia and Alexis were over my constant ranting, but they are amazing and listen to my yapping until they physically can not. I couldn't ask for better friends.

"I mean maybe... what about Dior? they're probably pretty close." Alexis trys to give me hope, but let's face it, there no way Leah would've told the cast about a silly little Instagram account she followed.

"wait so did you end up DMing her?" Mia asked me.

"no... OKAY but before you get mad cause I broke a double dare, I thought it would be weird because she doesn't know me and she might have not meant to follow me"

"GIRL! she literally liked your post yes she meant to follow you!" Mia tells me, annoyed at my self doubt, "you're fabulous, she's fabulous, text her so that you can both be fabulous together. anyway I've got science with Alexis right now so text us if you decide to DM her!"

I love Mia so much she's literally my best friend. and Alexis of course. I couldn't live without them.

"go get em girl! make sure to run the text by us though before you send it. HAHA we both know what stupid shit you say when you're nervous" Alexis tells me before she leaves.

"THAT WAS ONE TIME AND YOU PROMISED NOT TO BRING IT UP AGAIN" I cry after her and her and Mia walk away giggling like children.

indi's notes:

chapter 3 yay!!! as usual, thoughts??

this chapter layout is heavily inspired by morganissleepy!!! so all credit to them! the work is original though!

I think this is really cute! next chapter is Leah's pov so we might get to meet walker for the first time🤭🤭

also 3 chapters in 3 days? who is she. watch me literally forget about this and not upload for weeks.

love you all 💗

- Indi

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