16 | Dense

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Komaeda didn't leave him room for three days after that. He would never skate again. Never in his whole life. He didn't go to training, he didn't go eat, he just laid in bed for days.

He had been humiliated by everyone live on TV. He could never step outside again. Everyone hated him.

On the fourth day, he finally left his room to go to the cafeteria. Usually, his hair was brushed, his clothes were ironed and tidy and he looked overall well-groomed.

Now, his hair was a total mess and he was wearing a baggy shirt and pants. He grabbed some food and made his way to the exit again. Hinata hurried after him and grabbed him by his hand.

"Are you okay?"

"...let me go, please... I don't wanna be here,"

"You shouldn't just go hide in your room all alone," The brunet told him. "Come on, how about we go to my dorm together?" He asked.

Komaeda nodded slightly. "Okay,"

"You're so damn whiny!" Oowada yelled. "Real men don't cry over pranks!"

Hinata gritted his teeth. Before he could shout at Oowada though, he heard hands slamming onto a table.

"Man, shut up!" Souda yelled. "You guys all suck!" He stormed away from the table and dragged his friends to the dorm room.

Komaeda sat down on the bed and began to eat.

"I don't like this school," He said.

"You know, I had a plan on how to get back at them-" Hinata began.

"You should put laxatives in their food!" Komaeda told him.

"The hell? No, I shouldn't. The plan was to like paint on their uniforms or something, but now I'm really mad." He pushed up his sleeves. "Rule number one of basketball: Don't mess with the people I care about,"

"That is so not rule number one of basketball," Souda said.

"Shut your mouth, I was trying to sound cool!"

"Didn't work,"

Hinata shot him a glare. "You're so supportive. Whatever... Are you gonna help me get revenge?"

Souda nodded. "Yeah,"

"Great. I'll ask the girls for help too,"

"And what about me?" Komaeda asked.

"You just let me take care of everything. Don't worry." He said as he walked towards the door. "Hasta la vista, baby." With that, he left, closing the door behind him.


Someone knocked on the door.

Souda opened it. There stood Hinata.


"I don't know why I left. Tried a cool exit, I guess,"

Souda grinned. He knew what was going on. Hinata was trying to impress Komaeda.

After a while, they decided to watch a movie on Hinata's laptop. Komaeda really wanted to watch princess and the frog, but Souda left because he said it's too boring.

A bit into the movie, a song came on. It was a love song. Komaeda smiled softly.

So far above me, yet I know her heart belongs to only me.

The pale boy leaned his head on Hinata's shoulder.

"What's up?" The brunet asked.

"Just thinking... is there someone who's heart belongs to only you, too?"

Hinata shrugged. "I don't know. They gotta tell me, you know?"

Je t'adore, Je t'aime, Evangeline. You're my queen of the night. So still. So bright.

That someone as beautiful as she-

Hinata looked at the pale boy.

-could love someone like me.

As the song went on, Hinata began to think. Did Komaeda have someone? He did say lots of boys wanted him.

"What about you? Does your heart belong to someone?"

Komaeda smiled. "I think it's starting to,"

"Oh. ...Who?"

"I won't tell you his name. But he's kind and strong and always looks out for me,"

"Hell no!" Hinata yelled. "You like Souda?!"

"What?? No! You're dense!"

"It's not him? Then... tell me more about the guy you like,"

"...he's dense,"

"Man, I have no idea who you're talking about. It's not one of the hockey guys, is it? 'Cause if you're thinking 'if he's mean to you, he likes you', that's not even true, that's just what people say! If a guy treats you badly, it doesn't mean he likes you,"

"...He's very dense,"

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