2. Late-Evening

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    I seemed to be waking up normally for the next few days. I still feel exhausted, but at least I'm not finding myself rotting in bed nearly as much. That dream still feels like it's haunting me. I can't stop thinking about it. But, on the bright side, It's Saturday morning. I made a promise to Izzy that I would show up this afternoon. I'm not sure if she intends for us to spend the night, but just in case, I'll pack for such.

    I partially wish the moments of my life where I'm alone were more memorable. At times when I only have myself, nothing really matters, or happens. But on the other hand, I really don't care. Life is better when it's spent with the people you love, so why does remembering your times alone matter?  Maybe I'm just looking too far into it, either way, my life is uneventful for the most part. I walked into the kitchen and ate the breakfast sitting out for me on the table, then went right back to bed. I knew that my room needed some cleaning, but I couldn't be bothered. I was just going to wait until roughly 2 P.M.,then book it to Izzy's.


    I decided to leave 2 hours early. I was so bored, I didn't want to clean, I didn't want to do anything. I let Izzy know that I was going to be early before taking my mom's car over to her house. I found myself zoning out at every stop sign, driving way slower than the speed limit, but it wasn't a big deal since she was just on the other side of the neighborhood.

    Parking in her driveway, I grabbed my large messenger bag and swung it over my shoulder. I stood at the front door and rang the doorbell, awaiting a response, despite Izzy telling me to just walk in. I knew it was unlocked, but it just feels wrong to barge in, even though I used to go over here all of the time.

    The door flung open, and before I noticed Izzy, I noticed the large rodent on the floor, making me jump back.

    "Holy shit, that thing is so much bigger than I remember!" I said, examining the brown rat inching closer to my feet. I recall his or her name to be 'Peanut'. I slowly backed up the closer it got.

    "Haha, Isn't Peanut so cute? She missed you so much! Come on, let her smell you!" Izzy said, gently picking up the rat and then aggressively shoving it in my face. I let out some kind of ugly squeal, pushing it away. Izzy found much amusement in my discomfort and embarrassment.

    "I told you, I don't want to be near those things," I said after clearing my throat. What I said was somewhat truth, I told them that I didn't care, but now that I see the rodents in person... they look a lot bigger than I remember. I mean, who the hell would want a rat shoved in their face?!

    She put the rat onto her shoulder, as I noticed that the second rat, Molly, was peaking at me from the front door. "Oh, okay. I'll tell them to leave you alone in the meantime before the others show up," Izzy said. We made our way into her room, carpeted and laced with the smell of eucalyptus. her walls were green, and she had a king size bed with multiple items on it. It's like that bed serves as a bed, desk, and a second floor. I can't say that I'm not envious.


    It was about 2-3 P.M. when the others showed up. Owen showed up first, then Eva, then Cody. Cody and I stayed on Izzy's bed and played Uno, while the others played some other board game. I didn't care enough to pay attention. I was on a miraculous losing streak, feeling like I was starting to lose my mind the more Cody seemed to win effortlessly.

    "Hah, okay Noah, how about I go easy on you this time?" He chuckled, shuffling the deck with ease, while looking up at me to see my stern expression.

    "It's not like you're good at the game, Cody. It's just luck, this whole game is luck-based," I said, as I took my seven cards, and laid the first move, "If we were playing chess, I could beat you easily. Games like this bore me."

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