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      We talked for a long time. I learned a lot about Cody. I'm beginning to adore these times we've spent together, I just wanted to stay here all night and forget about school. Something about just how much he cared about me felt really good. He may just be some loser, but hey, I am too, we're even.

     I adjusted to the environment the more we spoke, and felt a little less uncomfortable as time passed. It all felt so unfamiliar, but good. Being here wasn't like being at Izzy's or Owens, because it's just him and I, in a place built to his customs. We told each other that we'd eventually head back to his house, but we never did. We organized the tent and laid on our backs with blankets, due to how cold it had gotten. I still had the black cat plush in my grasp.

     "You know what'd be great? You and I could assemble the fairy lights together— this weekend, that is, if you're not busy or anything, or if you want to," he said, with uncertainty.

     "You're inviting me over again?" I asked.

     He replied, fidgeting with his sweater. "Yeah, I guess so."

     "That'd be nice," I replied, "let me see if I have plans." I took my phone out and checked my calendar, then texted my mom. As I was doing so, Cody sat up.

     "Do you like that cat plushie?" he asked.

     "A little bit," I replied.

    "Keep it," he said, "it fits your style... and you won't get any more nightmares."

     "Really?" I said, before snapping some reality to myself, "Wait, no, no, I don't take gifts from people."

     I handed the plush to him, but he insisted on giving it back. "Noah, really, just take it! You can even give it a name," he pleaded. I was quick to give in, given that I'd rather not fight with his persistence over mine. It wasn't because I wanted to keep it.

    "Whatever, since you insist, but I'm not naming it," I replied, taking it back. I started to feel fuzzy with it in my hands. It felt different this time because he let me keep it, and it now belonged to me. I looked up at Cody to see his excited face, as if he gained more than he lost. "You're really... gonna make me keep this?"

    "Oh, well— I mean, if you really don't want the gift, I can take it back—"

   "No," I interrupted, "what I mean is thank you, Cody. This is the second time you've given me something today, I owe you."

    "Don't sweat it," he replied, "you being here alone just made my week, I owe you this!" He picked up the orange plush and said, "Look, we each get a kitty."

    I was so flustered and nervous, it's like every part of me malfunctioned on the spot. I don't know why it happened, but it did— it's not like I've never been handed a gift before. I couldn't grasp onto why I felt like this, or perhaps why Cody was being so nice to me; I didn't deserve this, really. Of all people to be spending time with Cody, it should be someone who can repay him for his efforts.

    I felt frozen. In an attempt to break the silence, Cody said, "So, when's your mother coming?"

    "Uh, hm, I'll check," I replied pulling out my phone. "She'll he here at— oh, she's on her way now."

    "Aww, man! That's fine, we can spend time together tomorrow," he responded, in an optimistic manner. I went out of the tent first, as Cody made sure that I wasn't going to purposely leave the plush behind. The trail back to his house was short, yet peaceful. The crunching of autumn leaves between rocks and dirt added enough noise to the quiet atmosphere. Since we made our way out fairly early, we decided to wait outside for my mom to come and get me. Cody didn't want to leave me outside alone, so he stayed with me, leaning against the beige brick wall of his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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