5. Noon

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Tuesdays aren't fun. Just needed to get that out of the way. It's not that the day itself is bad, it's just 'Courtney Day'. Don't get me wrong, we make a great team, but it's like I go more and more insane the more I have to be in the same room as her. The worst part is that we are barely three months into junior year, and I'm already getting sick. I could've sworn that I was more tolerant last year.

Despite us being of same skill, she treats our study hours like a tutoring session. It's like the more you get to know her, the worse she gets, because she starts talking about her personal life. All that I want to do is pass the upcoming exams, not listen to her ramble about how much she misses Duncan. But I got to admit, it's pretty entertaining to hear about all of the things he got himself into after the show. He's in jail for a variety of reasons.

The afternoon bell rang, the inevitable signal to make my way to the library to meet with Courtney. I decided to take an alternate route to meet with Cody and Owen, having a laugh with them before we eventually had to disband. Walking into the library, I spotted Courtney waiting for me at the usual reserved table. I made my way to the corner of the large room, setting down my belongings and opening my laptop. There was a physics exam not far away, so we had a lot of studying to do.

"You're a lot later than usual today," She said, "7 minutes to be exact. What were you doing?" She arranged her pens and her notebook in an orderly fashion, then pulled out a small mirror to adjust her bangs. I felt like I was going crazy already. The buzzing of ceiling lights along with the overall unnatural lighting within the library upset me. To be fair, though, everything has been upsetting me today. Yesterday was so much better.

"I had to return some notes to my friend," I replied. Everything has to be for a good reason to her, so I lied. She put away her mirror, and gave me a side-glare.

"You couldn't wait to do it after study hours?" She asked, impatiently.

I began searching on my computer for our designated study website. "He got impatient," I said.

"Haha, I hate it when people do that," She replied, "It really gets in the way of schedule." Her tone brightened, as she began writing in her notebook for the topic we'd be discussing. We began taking notes, discussing aspects of the textbook we reviewed, taking more notes. Courtney always used a certain technique to write her notes; they were always neat, colorful, and perfect. I couldn't be bothered to use anything other than a pen I specially picked out for myself when I was 12. I've been using the same brand since.

After a tolerable yet exhausting two hours of studying, I could finally go home. She and I exchanged a handshake before I left to the front of the building. I'd say that today was productive, but boring. Maybe I could make up for my sluggish mood back at home by doing something that isn't rotting.

      I couldn't think of anything else to do after I cleaned my entire room. I even fixed up all of the books on my bookshelf. I laid flat on my bed, but refused to grab my phone in fear that I'd do the same thing as last night; scrolling and scrolling, paralyzed in thoughts until morning.

I was incredibly tired, but my day felt unfinished. I'm so sick of feeling having uneventful days. I want to do something for me, just me. I sat up and looked around my room, then noticed my gaming console.

Ah, I forgot about how long it'd been since I've picked up a game. I forgot about how long it'd been since I've done any of my hobbies, really. I got out of bed and adjusted the cords to the console, and soon enough, it was running. I sat on my bed, and proceeded to play the older version of Splashtune, the game that Cody and I played yesterday.

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