An introduction

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           There are thousands of stories told every day. Many are forgotten after a while, but some are remembered for ages to come. Think of Aesop's fables or of the thousands of mythological stories from Greek or Egyptian mythology. This is just another story. It will probably be forgotten in a years time, but while it lives and florishes, perhaps it can provide the briefest glimpse of light in a dark life. For what is a story but a life given to the reader, a living breathing being that gives joy while it lives, but once it dies it has little if any effect. At least that is what most will tell you, but I don't believe that. I believe that every story has an effect, and that every story is beautiful in its own way. This story was told to me by my father and his father before him, and now I am passing it on to you. 

(The paragraph above is lore talk for the narrator, but seriously I'll read any comments. Give me some suggestions on improvements and I will try to implement them. Uplikes very appreciated)

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