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          When the boy awoke, he could tell he had been moved. His body was laid on a very comfortable seat and covered with a small blanket. His eyes bolted open when he realized that his surroundings had changed. The boy jumped out of the seat and stared at the fancy carriage around himself. Immediately his eyes zeroed in on the party sitting opposite of him and chattering merrily. The paladin instantly noticed he had woken up.

        "The wild boy wakes," he joked as the whole party turned towards the waking child, " I suppose we should all introduce ourselves. I am called Elian and I am a part of the elvish knights of dawn."

         "My name is Divir. I am a crossbreed between a giant and a dwarf. My mother was a giant and my father was a dwarf," said the large man in the heavy armor.

         "I am called Asherah and I am a fairy. I follow the mythical goddess known as Danu and am a member of her sworn attendants," said the girl with the staff. As she said this, the boy noticed small silvery wings poke out from behind her shirt. They wavered and shimmered as if they were a mirage.

         "Why do your wings look like that?" the boy asked, breaking my silence and interrupting the archer from introducing herself.

          "I'm surprised you can see them. Only magical creatures and ones blessed by my goddess. Though I suppose the dragon's blessing makes you half a magical creature. To answer your question, fairies are born as one of the smallest magical creatures, but they do have immortality. To better serve my goddess I forsook my immortality and my wings to grow to the size of a human. For my sacrifice, she gave me the outline to show magical creatures that I'm one of them to make them less likely to attack me as I travel and she gave me an increased aptitude for magic," Answered Asherah as she recovered from her initial shock that he could see them.

          "That's cool. Do I have anything like that?" the boy asked, thinking their situations were somewhat similar.

           "You actually do. With that vision attached to you, there are very few monsters that will be brave enough to attack you, but very few creatures will help you because they will be afraid of you. Even demons will think twice about messing with you," She responded to me, clearly unnerved by whatever it was.

         "What does it look like?" the boy inquired.

         "It is the insignia of the dragon king. You were blessed by the dragon king. The insignia is a dragon head with fire pouring out of its mouth which incinerates anything that touches it. The only reason I was able to block your fire was because I have a blessing from my goddess, though yours is much more powerful than mine is," she said as she nervously fidgeted with a buckle on her boot, "with training your fire will be able to overcome the greatest of shields and completely destroy anything within a three mile radius if you wanted too. Your destructive power is unrivaled. Dragons will also be your sworn attendants. The dragon king's death will shake the dragons and you will most likely take his place. The dragons will be completely loyal to you. They would die for you to live and any commands you give them are imposed upon them as magical law and breaking them will result in an instant and painful death for them."

          "WELLLL, ANYWAY it's my turn I believe,"exclaimed the archer, her displeasure at being interrupted evident on her face, "My name is Rylan, and I am a human member of the adventurer's guild."

         "My name is Aeris," Aeris told the party. He didn't trust them with any information, but he supposed they needed to know his name.

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