A Curious Arrival

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          When the boy awoke, the forest was covered in fog and he instantly knew that it was unsafe to go outside. If there was fog covering the forest then there would definitely be fog monsters. They were horrible creatures that attacked in the morning in open spaces. They caused a thick mist to envelope the area that made it very difficult to see what exactly they were. He was lucky to have hunted the day before, because the fog monsters usually cleared out any animals nearby. These monsters also seemed to hate anything with a roof and avoided them at all costs, so he was safe for now.

          The boy didn't rise from my bed until much later in the day and when he did, he didn't do much. You could say that when the fog monsters come it's his lazy day. For basically the entire day, he did nothing. When the fog comes, it usually stays until the next day unless they're scared off by something far more dangerous than them. Abruptly, a roar interrupted his lazing. The roar reverberated around the room, shaking the walls and causing the monsters outside to become spooked. The fog quickly receded as the roar continued. The boy looked outside and noticed a large shadow sweeping over the tips of the trees. He walked out and climbed a neary tree to get a better look at whatever monster was making the noise.

           As the boy reached the top of the looming trees, Another roar erupted from the monster's mouth that shook the trees. The power of this beast was evident from his roar alone. When the trees ceased their shaking, he saw the monster that was the source of the shaking. He had scaly green skin with large wings protruding from its enormous body and had long, twisted white horns sprouting from the back of his head. The boy could feel his horrible crimson red eyes watching me, but when he looked into his eyes, he saw pain and fear. Upon closer inspection, he saw a deep gash near the bottom of his stomach that was leaking deep red blood. Suddenly, instead of fear, he felt sorry for the beast. Finally, his adrenaline ran out and he crashed into some trees near where the boy had found the rabbit. The boy quickly rushed down the tree and searched around the area he saw the dragon crash into. The area was not hard to find due to its large size. The mere breathing of the dragon caused the area to heat up and the splinters of wood near the dragon's mouth were charred and shattered.

         As the boy approached the body of the dragon, he observed the numerous spears, arrows, and other weapons protruding from his body. When he came close enough that he could sense me, he shifted his head to look at me and relaxed a little when he saw that the boy wasn't coming to hurt him. The boy slowly and carefully approached his head as he just let it fall onto the grass below him. It was obvious that he was dying and that he could do nothing to save him, but the boy wanted to give him some comfort in his final moments so he spent the rest of the day simply taking the weapons out from his body. When the boy had finished, there were heaps of broken and flimsy weapons piled on the ground nearby, and the dragon had fallen into a fitful and uneven sleep. His arms felt incredibly sore and he could barely move so the boy plopped himself down under the dragon's wing and fell asleep as he was warmed by the fire inside of the dragon.

            Suddenly, the boy heard muffled voices, muffled human voices. The dragon also heard them and was alert and ready to fight. He rubbed his side under his wing with his hand to comfort him. Then the boy got out from under the dragon's wing to confront whoever would come. He grabbed an unbroken spear that was lying on the ground nearby and got ready to fight whoever was coming. The dragon would die, but he would be at peace when he did if the boy could do anything about it. Then a party of four humans broke through the trees, and immediately stopped in shock when they saw him standing next to a dragon's mouth with a spear raised to protect it. There were two males and two females, one of the males carried heavy metal armor and two axes while the other wore lighter leather armor with an elven sword. The boy recognised the ax wielder as a tank and the sword wielder as a paladin. One of the girls carried a staff and a large bag on her back that had papers bursting out from it, the other carried a bow with a quiver of arrows with varied tips slung over her shoulder. He readied my spear to fight them, but they dropped their weapons and approached him gently.

             "Hey, kid, what are you doing out here? That dragon is dangerous. He could seriously harm you," warned the one with the leather armor and elven sword as he slowly approached.

            "I don't care, he's hurt and dying, and he deserves peace and comfort in his final days," the boy responded firmly while staring defiantly into the blue eyes of the man.

           "It has killed thousands of people and destroyed entire towns," the paladin said rigidly.

          "You have probably killed hundreds of his kind," the boy said, unwavering from his determination to protect the dragon. Abruptly, he felt the area heat up and the winds howl overhead, the dragon was passing. When magical beasts die, the elements themselves mourn their passing and cause disturbances in the normal atmosphere. The boy dropped the spear and hurried to the dragon's head. his eyes were clouding over, but before he died, he turned his head to the boy and breathed his hot breath over him. The boy could instantly feel himself heating up. The dragon's body went cold and the boy could instantly tell he was dead.

             The boy didn't know what the dragon did to him, but he knew that he wasn't going to let these humans desecrate his body. The boy felt an extreme determination rise up inside of himself as he shifted to glare dangerously at the party that had wished to attack the dragon. Anger burst forth from his chest and with the anger came forth a burst of heat. A wave of fire exploded out from his body and completely destroyed anything that touched it within a three hundred foot radius. The boy could feel the energy from his anger leave his body with the flame and he suddenly felt extremely drained. The trees that were not crushed around him were immediately disintegrated or left charred and burned extremely badly with fire still licking at whatever was left. The party was still alive because one of the girls cast a protection spell on the party, but the boy had no energy to attack again. He could feel sleep pulling at his eyes, and felt as if he could barely move. Then he passed out and fell down on the ground.

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