Chapter 4.8 - Aftermath

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The minutes after the initial encounter with the Deep Ones passed in a blur. There had been two large-scale battles in Belport—the one in the central portion of South Side, where Mod's teams had engaged shock troopers and a monstrosity, and another on the far Eastside of the coast.

Afterward, the capes were brought back to the Summit's staging area on the North End for debriefing, medical attention, and rotation.

The parking lots around the staging area were filled with new recruits, sparring and practicing maneuvers. The helicopters landed on the outskirts of the converted parking lots, and all the new recruits stopped and turned to the returning capes.

Mod and the others stepped out of the helicopters to solemn applause. Some of the new recruits looked like they wanted to cheer, but were taken aback by the sight of them.

Despite how ragged and tired everyone in the helicopter had been, the capes all stood taller.

Mod tried to do the same. It was hard not to limp on his damaged leg. Now that adrenaline and shock were wearing off, the pain was seeping in—who knew how many cuts burned and ached.

It was even harder to keep a steadfast expression on his face.

Mod recognized some of the new recruits from the lecture hall. Their homemade costumes and panty hose masks no longer felt naive and inadequate... No longer looked like wannabe heroes playing pretend.

Now the new recruits looked downright suicidal.

Mod wanted to scream at them, "Go home!"

They had no idea what was waiting for them out in the water. They might've seen footage of the Deep Ones, but that didn't do it justice. These recruits didn't really know what it was like.

Two paramedics rushed through the capes and toward one of the far helicopters. They lifted a young woman in baggy clothes out and onto a stretcher. Mod couldn't see her face under the breathing mask, but he knew it was Liara—the cape that went down on Mod's roof.

Mod only caught snippets of conversation. Liara was in critical condition... and apparently she wasn't the only one. The second battle on the far east side of Belport's coast hadn't gone well for the Summit. Other casualties were coming in.

He'd been so focused on Liara and the medics that he didn't notice the rest of his friends walk over.

McGuire's baggy jacket had several slashes across it, and the gadgeteer's mask looked like it was absolutely drenched in sweat.

"Hey man—Holy shit, your suit..." McGuire said. "Did you try to hug it out with one of those fish-dudes or something?"

Cherry socked Mod playfully in the arm. "More like he tried to hug a lawnmower."

Despite her smile, Cherry rolled her shoulder and winced. Her red hair had been singed on the side.

Arsenal asked, "What happened to your hair?"

"I got too close to someone's fire powers."

Arsenal replied, "You should go for an undercut. It suits you."

Larian and Krystal walked up next. Krystal's arm was slung around Larian's shoulder for support. Larian had a few slashes across his suit, but thankfully, those looked superficial.

Larian smiled. "I'm just glad we all made it."

Larian looked tired, but Krystal looked like she'd just run a double marathon. Her blue hair was matted and her eyes looked distant.

Krystal forced a smile. "Next time, I want psychic powers or a flying suit of armor."

Mod regarded Arsenal. All her exosuit had was superficial scratches. At a glance, she looked fine, but Mod could tell by her voice how tired she was. The others didn't know that Clara had to power her own suit.

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