(🍎|⚪|❔) Tutor.

12 0 2

(I got bored again)

(No warning here. Well, unless you count the potential gore)


"Okaaayy..." The math teacher came out from behind the door, carrying a book that could've weight an entire bowling ball, "...Let's try this again." The book was suddenly plopped onto the desk, earning a squeak of fear from the poor boy.

Slamming her claw on the desk in front of her, Miss Circle' sole right eye narrowed, a forced grin plastered on her face, "Now... What's one plus one, Abbie?" It took literally every nerve in this woman to keep herself from flipping the desk over, forcefully opening the book up and pointing a single finger at a basic math question.

Abbie's frightened eyes stared down at the numbers. One plus one. One... plus... one... It couldn't be that hard, could it?

"Er..." He scratched his head in confusion, hesitantly opening his mouth to speak; "...Eleven?" Abbie uttered hesitantly, his eyes glancing back up at his tutor.


What was once a forced smile was now a deadpan stare from the teacher. Her shadow loomed over the poor little ball of paper, causing him to shrink into his seat in a mixture of embarrassment and pure fear.

Miss Circle would sigh deeply, pinching the edge of her non-existent nose in frustration, before soon flipping the page once more...

"What is two plus three?" She inquired, her fingers twitching every few seconds as they tapped impatiently on the desk. The math teacher was on her last few bits of patience, taking a deep breath to keep herself from lashing out.

Again, Abbie was left dumbfounded. The cogs in his brain were dull and covered in webs, obviously unable to get much thought into his poor head as the boy struggled to form an answer.

"Tooty- I MEAN—" Abbie's face flushed into a light grey, hands grasping at his messy hair as he buried his face into his collar. Well, he tried to, at least.

Her eye was staring down at the boy with pure irritation and disbelief, "...Tooty? Tooty three?" Miss Circle finished the boy's mixed words, a claw digging into the desk's material, but not without leaving a few scratch marks.

This boy was hopeless. A high-schooler who couldn't do simple math? And here Miss Circle wonders just how the hell this kid made it into this school...

Anyway... Back to work.

The math teacher flipped a page. Thinking that Abbie was just playing dumb, she pointed towards one question. Still addition, though with bigger numbers.

Taking a breath in, Miss Circle' eye stared down at Abbie once more, "What. Is. Nine. Plus. Ten?" She spoke slowly, her left arm tapping the compass needle on the ground, as if warning the poor boy in case he screwed this one up as well.

Abbie could just feel his innards begin to twist in knots, unable to breathe without feeling a sense of pure dread. How was he supposed to know?! Nine plus ten? Nine plus ten?! That's too big of a number for him to process!

"Abbie," she snapped her fingers in front of the student's face, forcing him to dart his gaze back up at her, "Focus. What's nine plus ten?" Miss Circle asked once more, stabbed her claw into the page for further emphasis on the given question.

"T-..." Abbie felt like he was choking on his breath, forcing the anxiety down, "...T-Twenty... Twenty o-one...?" He murmured hesitantly, eyes darting back between his tutor and the numbers on the page.

...it wasn't hard to see the glass shattering in Miss Circle' head. She stared down at this boy, her student, a low-grader, for what felt like a painful eternity of silence. Fingers tapped faster and faster before finally slamming a fist on the desk, causing cracks to form over it's plastic surface.

She stood back at her full height, giving Abbie a good glance of her left; the compass needle poked out from behind the pencil, the white metal shining subtly through the room's dull light.

...well, at least this saves her a bit of trouble. Then again, the ink will be hard to explain, along with the shreds of... Paper...


(Consider this as a little one-shot... Thingy)

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