01. trivial matters and a cocktail

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chapter one!

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chapter one!

01. trivial matters and a cocktail


WHISPERS ROSE THROUGHOUT the massive dome room as Senators talked together about trivial matters. Senator Sokanara Tanobi tapped a button on her pod, loosely holding the handles as the pod moved to conjoin with Senator Bail Organa's pod.

"Senator," she greeted with a smile. The pods bumped together gently before latching onto each other magnetically.

"Hello Senator Tanobi," Organa greeted diplomatically, not looking up from the screen ingrained into the pod, "Do you have a matter to discuss?"

Soka continued to grin at him, leaning back slightly in her pod. "Can't one come to a friend to say hi?"

A breathy snort came from Organa as he pulled away from the screen on his pod. "Oh yes, but I feel that you would have done so outside of the council meeting rather than now, so I suspect that you are up to something."

Soka's smiled brightened as she jumped up, practically leaning across her pod into the side of Senator Organa's pod as she stared up at him with glimmering eyes.

"You know me too well, Orgy." A laugh came from the younger female as a look of disgust appeared on Organa's face. "Have you no shame? Never call me that again." Organa told her sternly, glancing around briefly to make sure no one overheard her embarrassing, and frankly very suggestive, nickname.

Soka shrugged, "Teasing you is all part of the fun," she tapped her fingers on the outline of her pod, "and I'm quite bored, so I would say no, I currently have no shame."

Organa raised an eyebrow at the Senator who was tracing the curved metal lines that ran along the outside of the pod. He sighed as he presented the room with his arm to Soka, "You do realize you are standing in one of the most dignified and important places in all of Coruscant, and you are complaining that you are bored? Shouldn't you go interact with other senators instead of bugging me?"

Soka glanced up at Organa, a teasing glint in her eye. "Now," she started, "why would I go converse with people who think that clones do not deserve a place in the galaxy like us?" Organa furrowed his brow, trying to figure out where Soka was taking the conversation, "I think it's quite harming actually, to speak with people who have such low intelligence like them. I might lose a brain cell or two just by listening to their stupidity."

Organa pursed his lips, trying not to laugh at Soka's blatant roast. "Now now Tanobi, I think you should be generous when speaking about your elders like that. You are lucky that they aren't currently swarming you for your harsh words."

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