02. jittery nerves and some new friends

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chapter two!

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chapter two!

02. jittery nerves and some new friends


IT DIDN'T TAKE THEM LONG, but Soka was jittering with nerves and things to say on the way there. How would she interact? Would it be too forceful if she directly asked the questions?

Joqin flicked the side of her head, making her scowl as she looked at him. "What?" She dragged out the a in annoyance.

"You're making me nervous with your nervousness, stop." Soka rolled her eyes at his statement. 

"Fine, whatever."

Joqin parked the transport to the side and Soka jumped out as it was stopping. Joqin shook his head at her but followed her bouncing figure to the club.

Soka opened the door to 79's, the music leaking out of the place and rattling her bones. She turned around to Joqin who stepped in place beside her.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked loudly, struggling to be heard over the music. Soka scanned the place before noting that a few clones were crowded together near the bar.

Soka brought her hand up and pointed to the crowded bar. "We can get a drink and ask the clones around there for some information!" She responded just as loudly. Joqin nodded at her idea and put an arm around her shoulder, tugging her close to him to prevent her from getting knocked by dancing people. He brought her to the bar and snagged an empty seat for her.

Since the bar was far from the dance floor, the music was much more muted and they could talk in normal voices. "So, what do you want to do?" Joqin asked as the bartender came over to them to ask for their orders. Joqin ordered a strawberry fizz for himself and an iced glass of phattro for Soka.

Soka eyed some clones that were huddled together at a booth, tapping her thigh in thought. "Is it wrong if I ask them information while they are intoxicated?"

Joqin turned to look at the group she was talking about. "Well, we don't know if they are actually drunk, so I don't think so? It's just a few questions so it should be fine."

Soka hummed in agreement and turned back to the bar where the bartender was giving them their finished drinks. "I think I should talk to them now." Soka decided before she lost her nerves. She took a sip of her drink and stood up from her spot at the bar, Joqin following her as he also drank from his glass.

Soka made her way over to the clones, and before she even greeted them, one of the clone's heads snapped up and stared at her questioningly, a defensive look on his face. Soka frowned in confusion at his defensive look.

She opened her mouth to speak but the clone beat her to it. "Do you need something?" He asked gruffly. Soka's mouth snapped shut and she turned to Joqin in panic. Joqin gestured to the clone and Soka turned back around.

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