chapter 10: The Date

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Thor and Isabella walked into a beautiful restaurant and immediately sat at a table in the back.
A waiter brought a bottle of Champagne. Good evening, Mr. Odinson, the waiter said. Good evening, Thor said.

This is Isabella Morrison Thor said. The waiter nodded his head. "What my get for you this evening? He asked Isabella looked over the menu. I will have the steak medium rare with pasta and French fries.  For you Mr. Odinson? the waiter asked. Bring me the poultry and those mashed potatoes I like Thor said.

The waiter took down their order and left. "Ok, be honest, Isabella said. You been here before, haven't you? Thor signed a few times He said. With The Avengers and I brought my old girlfriend Jane here a few times, Thor said

Thor shares his history with the restaurant, a tale of adventure and romance!  Isabella listens with curiosity, eager to learn more about Thor's past!  the memories of Jane, a spark in Thor's eye, a reminder of love and laughter shared!  the Avengers, a team of heroes, their exploits and banter, a story waiting to be told!  the table conversation, a dance of questions and answers, weaving a tapestry of connection and understanding!

What was Jane like? Isabella asked

Jane, a treasured memory, a sparkling gem in Thor's mind! Thor's eyes light up, his heart warm with fondness! Jane, a brilliant scientist, a passionate soul, a love that stirred the gods!  her laughter, a melody that still echoes in Thor's thoughts! the stories of their adventures, a tale of two hearts beating as one! Isabella listens, enchanted by the love that once was, and the memories that linger on.

After dinner, Thor and Isabella walk hand and hand back to her apartment.

the moment of truth, a sparkling instant, a doorway to possibility!  their eyes lock, a gaze that speaks volumes, a connection that crackles!  the tension, a palpable force, a tantalizing anticipation!  will they lean in and seal their fate with a kiss?  the suspense, a delicious agony, a sweet torture that beckons resolution! the night air holds its breath, awaiting the next move, as Thor and Isabella hover on the threshold of desire!

Thor slowly leaned in. Isabella closed her eyes. Thor kissed her cheek. Goodnight, Isabella Thor said and walked away. Isabella stood there feeling let down.

the moment of truth, a sweet anticipation, a gentle kiss... on the cheek?! Isabella's eyes snap open, a mix of surprise and disappointment!  Thor's hasty departure, a missed opportunity, a whispered goodnight that leaves her feeling... let down?!  the unspoken questions, the wondering what could've been, the ache of an unfulfilled longing!   the night air, once electric with promise, now lingers heavy with uncertainty!

Thor returned to Asgard. So many thoughts went through his head. Should he have kissed Isabella?

Thor ponders the what-ifs and should-haves!  his mind races with the memory of Isabella's lips, so close, yet so far!  the internal debate, a battle between fate and desire! did he miss his chance, or was it merely a gentle gesture?   the doubts creep in, like the Midgardian mist, shrouding his judgment! Thor, the brave warrior, now grapples with the uncertainty of his heart.

Screw it Thor thought took the bifrost back to earth meanwhile Isabella was getting ready to take a bath. She looked in the mirror. " I guess i'm just not good enough she thought.

Just as she was about to get in the tub. There was a knock at the front door. She tied her bathrobe back up and went to answer the door.

the knock at the door, a sudden interruption, a moment of surprise!  Isabella, curious and a bit flustered, hastily ties her bathrobe, her heart beating just a bit faster! she approaches the door, a sense of anticipation building, wondering who could be visiting at this time, the door creaks open, revealing... Thor, his eyes burning with detemination!  the air is charged with tension, as their gazes meet, and the night's adventure begins!

Thor, what are you doing here? she asked. Thor looks at her he grabs her and kisses her passionately.  Thor's desire takes over! Isabella's surprise turns to astonishment as Thor sweeps her into his arms! their lips meet in a fierce, electrifying kiss, the sparks flying like lightning!  the passion Thor has held back bursts forth, his godly powers rendering her defenseless against his charm!  Isabella melts into his embrace, her heart racing with excitement, as Thor lays claim to her lips, and her heart!  the world around them fades away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the thrall of their passion!

Thor picks Isabella up in his arms and carries her to the bedroom.

Thor's passion knows no bounds, as he sweeps Isabella off her feet, literally! his strong arms cradle her with ease, and his gentle touch belies his godly strength!  the bedroom beckons, a sanctuary of intimacy, where they can surrender to their desires!  Isabella's heart races with anticipation, her soul soaring on the wings of love! Thor's eyes burn bright with desire, his love for her a radiant flame that consumes them both!  the threshold of the bedroom, a gateway to their sweet surrender, a moment that will forever be etched in their hearts.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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