26. Kapadia Mansion

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Radhe Radhe readers💙🦚✨,


Aadhira was playing with the pen in her hand, her eyes were fixed on the documents in front of her. She chewed the pen, shuffling through the papers.
It was the file regarding Darsh's new project.

Though Darsh warned her to not take unnecessary burden by checking his project files as well but Aadhira being his Sherni, defied him as always. She noticed that he looked tired these days and being his better half she decided to share his burden.

Since Aadhira came back to her family, Darsh tried to give her space and not burden her with new projects, taking them all by himself. The man pulled all-nighters to even complete his girlfriend's share of work.

Aadhira always asked him to share his load but he refused saying that she was his girlfriend, therefore she would never have to take any burden when he was there with her.

As the thoughts of her soon-to-be husband crossed Aadhira's mind, a blush spread on her face remembering him. She opened her phone screen to only find his picture on the wallpaper, no matter what she loved that man to pieces.

She kissed his cheek on the phone screen itself, missing his presence. He was the only light of her dark world. Actually, he was her world.

The guy never failed to make her feel special. She was lucky to have him. She could even flex to the world for having the best boyfriend. She looked at her room's window, wishing to see her boyfriend climb through it again just to meet her.

She sighed, shaking away her thoughts and focusing on her work. She needs to complete the file because Darsh had a meeting early in the morning and he might need it.

Her attention was again grabbed by the knock on her door. She furrowed her eyebrows wondering who it could be at this hour because everyone was busy watching the movie. Nevertheless, she said a short 'come in' in her cold tone.

She waited for the person to speak up so that she could sass them away. But no voice ever came up so she looked back to find Samarth sitting on her bed scrutinizing her with a soft smile lingering on his lips.

"What?" She asked with a raised eyebrow at him. Samarth furrowed his burrows repeating her question with confusion in a little obvious manner," What?"

"What are you doing here?" Aadhira laid stress on her question, quirking her brow higher as a mark of clear irritation. Samarth looked at his cranky sister in front of him, she was still the same, 'his Chidku Iru' whom he loved with all his heart.

"Ab tere pass baithne ke bhi liye koi reason chahiya hoga kya mujhe?" Samarth asked making himself comfortable on her bed.

"Well Haan, kyunki bina reason ke baithne ka haq aap kho chuke h" Aadhira said turning back to her file and avoiding the hurtful glance that flashed in her brother's eyes with her sentence.

Tears brimmed up in Samarth's eyes as her sister's words pierced through his heart like a stab of a sharp knife. The pain of years of separation flashed in his eyes as he looked at his sister.

Everyone understood her pain of being abandoned by her family, but no one understood their hurt. The brothers were also held devoid of their Princess whom they cherished with all their hearts.

Samarth wiped the drop tear, which betrayed the corner of his eyes. Getting back to his usual cool demeanor. He knew that no one could deal with Aadhira in an emotional way, it would always end up in a fight. Which he resented to have with his Iru.

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