6. A Second Chance

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**TW SA and child abuse**

After Cassiopeia had made both her and Narcissa a cup of tea, they sat in the living room, in awkward silence. Neither of them knowing what to say, as their years apart had built an invisible wall between them.
"So... How have you been?" Asked Cassiopeia.
"I've been very well, thank you" answered Narcissa.
"And Draco?" Questioned Cassiopeia.
"After a worrying few years, Draco started getting stronger and healthier as he got older. And I'm pleased to report that now, he is just like any other boy his age".

"I'm glad he is healthy now, as he was such a weak baby. But I find it hard to believe that he is just like other 11 year old boys. He is the heir to the Malfoy and Black fortunes. He was raised in a luxurious manor, with everything he could ever want right at his fingertips. He's probably never even heard the word no. And I expect he's only ever been associated with Pure-bloods and the occasional half-blood. He's going to think all Muggle-borns are scum, just like the rest of our cursed family does" sighed Cassiopeia.
"I tried my best to keep him open minded, but Lucius was very insistent about how his son was to be raised. I couldn't go against his and our parents wishes" admitted Narcissa.

"Does he even know anything about me, his magic-less godmother?" Questioned Cassiopeia.
"He knows your name, and that you are his godmother. He's seen the family tapestry at my parents house, and he knows the name of everyone on there. But he doesn't know much about your life, because it was too painful for me to talk about you. He doesn't know that the knitted presents you send him every Christmas, are from you, as I didn't want anyone else knowing that you were still alive" answered Narcissa.

"Wait, I'm still on the family tapestry?" I assumed that my mother took me off the tapestry after she took my son from me, and kicked me out. Or if she didn't, I expected your father to blast me off, when I murdered my mother" admitted Cassiopeia.
"I convinced father not to remove you from the tree, since we didn't have all the facts about what had happened between you and Aunt Walburga. And with Regulus dead, and Sirius in Azkaban, we needed a family member on your side of the family, who wasn't dead or in prison" revealed Narcissa.

"You should have let him take me off the tapestry, as I am not a member of this family anymore, and I haven't been for many years" sighed Cassiopeia.
"I couldn't let him take you off, not when I still see you as a member of my family. You are my cousin, and my son's godmother, and nothing will ever change that" insisted Narcissa.
"It's a shame you didn't feel the same way about your sister" Cassiopeia said coldly.
"Andromeda made her choice. She chose to dishonour our family and turn her back on all of us. She also made no attempt to contact me after she left, so I'm certainly not going to track her down and beg her to talk to me again".

"Andy didn't think you wanted to see her ever again, that's why she didn't reach out to you. But she still saw you as her sister, even though she knew you didn't feel the same. It killed her to see the dark paths that you and Bella took... Andy took me in when Uncle Alphard died, and I don't know where I'd be without her. She saved me" informed Cassiopeia.
"I'm glad that she cared for you, when you had nowhere else to go. But if she was as amazing as you claim, then why did you not go to her for help, after you killed your mother?" Asked Narcissa.

"Because I didn't think she would want a murderer around her little girl. And I didn't want to put her in an awkward position where she had to choose between me and her daughter... I was also too ashamed and embarrassed about what had happened to me. And I didn't want to have to explain it all out loud, as that would make it real" answered Cassiopeia.
"You were ashamed that you killed your own mother?" Quizzed Narcissa.
"No, she deserved what she got. I don't regret killing her, I only regret that I lost my son in the process... The thing I was too embarrassed to tell Andy, was that I was foolish enough to let myself get raped".

"That wasn't your fault though" Narcissa said softly.
"Yes, it was. I was stupid. I went to that court room, not even considering that it was a trap set by my mother. And I also should have known better than to eat any food she served me. She had poisoned my meals in the past, so I never should have let her give me any food or drink" admitted Cassiopeia.
"If you hadn't eaten the food she gave you, you would have starved to death" replied Narcissa.
"There were times after that awful night, when I wished I had just starved to death in the basement when I was a kid, because then I never would have had to go through so much suffering".

"Your mother put you in the basement when you were a child?" Gasped Narcissa.
"I think I was 10 at the time. She threw me in the basement and locked the door. She wanted to see if I would use magic to save myself. This was back when she was trying to prove that I wasn't a Squib. I would have died in that basement if I hadn't been able to summon Kreacher to save me. Then, when I turned 11, mother would lock me in the basement during term time, when everyone believed I was studying at Durmstrang. I think I spent more time in that basement, than I did my childhood bedroom" revealed Cassiopeia.

"Merlin's beard, I never realised how much your mother put you through" said Narcissa.
"Some of the worst years were when she tried to force magic out of me, by beating me as hard as she could, without killing me. She would push me down the stairs, beat me with hot poker sticks, and even choke me out until I lost consciousness. None of which made any magic burst out of me" informed Cassiopeia.
"I knew that Walburga hurt you and your brothers more than my father hurt me, Bella, and Andy. But I didn't realise things in your house were that bad" insisted Narcissa.
"It wouldn't have made any difference if you knew the truth back then, because we both know that you never would have stood up to our family on my behalf".

"Maybe I couldn't help you back then, but I can help you now" insisted Narcissa.
"I've already told you that I will not step foot in the Malfoy Manor again. I never want to see Lucius's stupid face, and long blonde hair, ever again" informed Cassiopeia.
"I'm not suggesting that you live with me, because I know you would say no. But our family has a lot of money, so I can financially support you from now on" replied Narcissa.
"No, I am never going to allow myself to be in your debt. I never want to be in the position where I owe a Malfoy something".

"You won't owe me anything. This is my way of giving something back. I failed you in the past, and I want to make up for it now, by helping you in any way I can. And after what my husband did to you, we have to repay you in some way, even if he isn't aware that I'm doing it" said Narcissa.
"I can't exactly stroll down to Diagon Alley and head to Gringotts to take money out of my vault. I'm a wanted criminal" reminded Cassiopeia.
"I can take the money out of my vault, and hand the money to you in person" suggested Narcissa.

"I move around a lot, and I don't have an owl, so I'm a hard person to get into contact with. And I can't stay here, no matter how much I want to. If someone sees lights on in my house, they will report it to the Ministry, who will send aurors to arrest me. I have to go back on streets, so I don't know how you will find me again in the future" admitted Cassiopeia.
"No, I don't want you going back on the streets, you deserve better than that. I'm going to buy you somewhere decent to live. It's the least I can do if you won't move in with me" insisted Narcissa.
"I'm not living within walking distance to the Malfoy Manor" countered Cassiopeia.

"Then where would you like to live?" Asked Narcissa.
"Little Whinging" Cassiopeia answered quickly.
Narcissa raised an eyebrow.
"I have a duty, and a promise to keep. Draco isn't my only godson afterall" continued Cassiopeia.
"Very well. I will buy you a Muggle cottage in Little Whinging, and pay for everything in it for you, so that you're not living in squaller anymore" announced Narcissa.
"Are you sure about this?" Questioned Cassiopeia.
"Of course. We both know that the Blacks and the Malfoys have more than enough money. Buying this property for you, won't even put a dent in what my son is set to inherit" admitted Narcissa.

Cassiopeia sighed, "Since I'm not really in a position to turn down an offer like this, I will accept".
"Good. So, now the two of us can stay in contact with each other, and become as close as we used to be. This will be a second chance for the two of us. Maybe you will even be able to get reacquainted with my son, behind his father's back, and become the godmother he has always wanted" replied Narcissa.
"Hmm, maybe" mumbled Cassiopeia.

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