Oh, how bad this life is

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Oh, how bad this life is,
When fate's cruel hand unfurls,
And tears apart the bond we cherished,
Leaving my heart in twirls.

We were as close as kin, my friend,
Our souls entwined with care,
But now you're torn from my embrace,
Leaving me in despair.

In moments sweet, we laughed and dreamed,
Our hopes soared side by side,
But now I'm left with memories,
As you drift away, denied.

Oh, how bad this life is,
To snatch you from my sight,
Leaving me to mourn the loss,
Of my guiding light.

Yet, in the darkness, I'll hold on,
To the moments we once shared,
For though you're gone, my dear friend,
In my heart, you'll always be ensnared.

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