Why are my Rainbows always so Blue

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Why are my rainbows always so blue?
A question that echoes, a lament so true.
In the canvas of life, where colors should bloom,
Why does melancholy cast its gloom?

Each dawn's promise tinged with despair,
As hues of azure paint the air.
Where vibrant shades of red should blaze,
Only shadows linger, in endless maze.

The sun's warm embrace fails to dispel,
The somber pall that weaves its spell.
For even amidst the brightest day,
My rainbows fade to shades of gray.

Oh, how I long for skies of gold,
Where joy's brilliance can unfold.
But clouds of sorrow obscure the view,
Leaving my rainbows forever blue.

Yet amid the darkness, a glimmer shines,
A thread of hope, in these troubled times.
For even in sadness, there's beauty to find,
In tears that glisten, in hearts entwined.

So though my rainbows may wear a hue,
Of sorrow's burden, forever true,
I'll seek the light in every hue,
And paint my world with shades anew.

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