The day I die

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On the day I die, let the sky weep tears of silver rain, 
As memories dance in the echoes of my name.

Remember me by the laughter we shared, 
In the gentle breeze, my spirit will be bared.

When shadows lengthen and sunlight fades away, 
Recall the warmth of every word I used to say.

As the stars twinkle in the velvet night, 
I'll whisper secrets in the soft moonlight.

And when I die, remember the flowers I picked, 
Each petal a moment, each bloom a love that's never eclipsed.

Don't mourn the passing of my earthly frame, 
For in the realm beyond, I'll remain the same.

Let memories be a tapestry woven with care, 
A mosaic of moments that we both share.

When it's time to lay me down, don't cry, 
For in the silence, my spirit will soar high.

I'll be the gentle breeze that kisses your cheek, 
The whispered reminder when you're feeling weak.

In the rustle of leaves and the song of the birds, 
Hear my voice, as sweet as the sweetest words.

I will watch over you like the stars at night, 
Guiding your path with love's eternal light.

So, when the final moment draws near, 
Know that my love will always be here.

A Collection of Poems and Writings of a MadwomanWhere stories live. Discover now